Reply to SisterOfAnOstoMate
Hi Sis,
As for my diet... being short-gutted, I can eat what most can't. Meaning what most consider to be 'bad' things, like fats and cholesterol, as they simply aren't absorbed. Those parts of my intestines are missing... so I eat whatever I want with no ill effects. What I've learned recently is that sugar causes bowel inflammation. I'm going to elaborate more on this when I get the time, but in short, we've poisoned our own food supply. Autoimmune diseases didn't really exist until the 1950s when we started f*cking with our food. Our bodies weren't designed to deal with processed food (i.e., carbohydrates and sugars) and it's slowly killing us. The medical community is just starting to realize it now, and I've been involved with some testing that proved to me (using myself as the guinea pig) that sugar wreaks havoc on our intestines. The problem is sugar in all its synthesized forms is now in all our food. All the **ulose and **tose ingredients are sugars. Same with fructose. Docs still think it's the fats that cause heart and liver problems... but it's been proven it's not. Our bodies can process fat very well. It's the sugars we weren't designed for and can't handle. That's the cause of all the obesity, diabetes, fatty liver disease, heart disease, etc. Anyway... I'm digressing. I can eat anything and my blood pressure, cholesterol, albumin, etc., always stay perfectly middle of the range. I've astounded quite a few folks. But that's me, and it's because I'm short-gutted. Your sister will need to figure out what works for her.
In terms of obstructions, I can obstruct if I don't follow the cardinal rule of ostomates... chew, chew, chew. In my case, having very little bowel means whatever I eat doesn't have the time to fully digest like it would in the normal 20+ feet of bowel in a normal person. So when it gets to the end of my 3 1/2 feet of bowel, some things just aren't digested. So chewing is my only real option. Last night I obstructed because I didn't chew two plums I ate earlier, and I had to pop my bag off and reach in there and pull out a wad of undigested plum skins. So tell her to chew until she's sick of chewing, no matter what it is. Right now, I've gone KETO to avoid all the carbs, which are the complex sugars, fiber, and the simple sugars. So it's fatty meats, fish, poultry, butter, coconut oil, mayonnaise, cream, etc... avoiding all carbs and the plant-based oils (canola, vegetable, corn, etc.), as those are purely processed foods that cause trouble. We can chat more about the diet thing whenever you want... but keep her away from all sugars.
When an issue arises, my go-to is my Gastroenterologist... who just left the state due to family issues... so I'm in the process of interviewing prospective GI Docs now at Georgetown. I've also got a number of Gastros at Hopkins I've made contact with and have no problems going to see them if no one at G-town pans out. I spend a bit of time trying to find good Docs... because we ultimately rely on them for our health if it gets past the point that we can fix it ourselves... and you won't have time to find a good one when you're in a bed in the ER. I also stay in close contact with the Small Bowel Transplant team at G-town as well, since they deal more with short-gutted patients than most Gastros. And I have a dietician who specializes in IBD patients that's on my team as well. I find it's actually hard to find Docs that are well-versed in actual ostomies. Seems the Gastros don't deal with them as frequently as you'd think and generally send you to see the surgeon who did the operation when specific stoma or ostomy-related issues arise. So I also know the Ostomy Nurses at both Hopkins and G-town pretty well. You can never have too many people on your team... cuz you only have one shot at playing this game right. And we all know how it ends... it's just a question of when. I'd start with a quality Gastro for your sister's main point of contact. A good one will know when her problems are beyond him and will not hesitate to bring in others onto the team.
I hope that helps!! Let me know what else I can help you with!!