Hi friends,
I'm new here and new to ileostomy life, so I'm really hoping someone can offer some help or advice...
Just to give the full picture, I had my surgery on 7th June 2022, so not even 3 months yet. My ileostomy 'lips' have been, for the first month and a half, very small and neat. When leaving the hospital, I was a 25mm.
On Wednesday 10th August 2022, I saw my surgeon and showed him a photo taken the day beforehand where the top lip of the ileostomy was poking out more than is usual for me, and he confirmed that it was prolapsing due to my weak tissue (I also suffer from hypermobile EDS). However, the bottom lip was still lying flat with my stomach as it always has done. My surgeon said this shouldn't be too much of a problem as we are planning to reverse the ileostomy after 3 months, so everything would be pushed back inside anyway.
Two days ago (18th August 2022) around 9pm, I changed my pouch as I had been experiencing itchiness and soreness for a few days in the area around the ileostomy and the actual ileostomy itself. However, when I took the pouch off, my lower lip (usually flush with my stomach) was so swollen and bulging. There was an awful smell coming from the ileostomy that filled up the bathroom (it doesn't usually smell at all). Both upper and lower lips were bleeding in all different places. It was stinging, low output, there is a hard bulge to the left-upper side of my ileostomy just under the belly button, and the lower lip was rock hard to touch and grey/blueish in color in places, and the top was squidgy and soft to touch. I've been experiencing really bad fatigue and have been sleepier than usual, and just feeling unwell and run down in general.
I tried contacting the stoma nurse and surgeon all day yesterday by email, by phone, by bugging the surgeon's secretary, but they still did not get in contact with me or even advise me anything.
My ileostomy has been like this now for nearly 48 hours and nothing is changing. It is still very painful, and I am having severe trouble urinating, and the output is low for me.
Any help and advice would be appreciated! Does anyone know what this could be???
S x