Increased Mucus Discharge from Stoma - Is This Normal?

Oct 29, 2022 1:37 am

I have just recently started getting a lot of mucus discharge from my stoma. I've never had it before; I'm told this is normal. I've had mucus discharge out of the other end but never from my stoma. My ileostomy is working completely normally too. I'm asking because I'm interested in hearing about anyone else who has experienced this... thanks in advance.

Oct 29, 2022 7:50 am

Hello jalrein.

Mucus, from both the stoma and the anus seems to have a routine of its own: Sometimes I get none at all or very little. Other times I get huge amounts and it is almost as problematic as the other output. When I am changing devices, I have to be quick because the mucus can build up almost immediately and interfere with the process of sticking the baseplate. It also seems to soften the manufacturer's adhesives, which, (if I didn't have extra help from Probond medical adhesive) in the past, has been the cause of leakages.

As I recall, I did write a rhyme expressing my disgruntlement about mucus so, to save you search for it, I will reproduce it below:

Best wishes




If there’s one thing’ gives me the hump
it’s mucus from my rectal stump.
They did not tell me this would be
a side–effect of ostomy.

With no faeces coming through
no way did I expect this goo.
It is so inconvenient
that I am still incontinent.

I thought that this would be all cured
once my ostomy matured.
However, it’s not gone away
and I fear it’s here to stay.

Sometimes brown and sometime white
but mixed with blood is never right.
Then there’s yellow and there’s cream
which will flood out like a stream.

Sometimes it’s soft and sometimes hard
sometimes it’s slippery just like lard.
Occasionally I’ll get a chunk
but mostly it will look like gunk.

The mucus used to irritate
and refused to irrigate.
That method didn’t work so well
although it minimised smell.

When I reflect I must admit
sometimes I get fed up with it.
For I was not expecting this
every time I have a piss.

With both a plug and inco’ pad
you’d think it would not feel so bad.
But I still moan and I will grump
about the mucus from my stump.

                                    B. Withers 2012


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Oct 29, 2022 10:30 am
Reply to Bill

Funny - yet not so funny 🫣

Oct 31, 2022 8:41 am

Bill, your poem really does sum up the whole rectal discharge thing. Patrick

Oct 31, 2022 4:32 pm

Thanks people for (a) reading the rhyme & (b) appreciating it, *& (c) letting me know that you liked it!

Best wishes



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