5 days post op

Mar 09, 2014 10:58 pm
Well first night home 5 days post op after my ileostomy.

To say I was nervous was an understatement but here I am still smiling and relieved its done. I wouldn't say it was easy and I know I'm only at the beginning of the recovery process but to not have the constant pain for first time in 5yrs is a great feeling and the surgery pain is a blessing.

They had to place my stoma(nickname squidge) higher than we had hoped due to scaring from previous operations, it came as a shock as like most women I love me clothes but think its a small price to pay cos I'm here :))))

I'll blog more soon as today I'm shattered n happy to be home with my kids :) Thxs for all the supportive messages per op it helped immensely and gave me hope

X Taz x

Mar 10, 2014 2:46 am
Taz So glad you are home! My ileostomy is the same height as my funny looking belly button. Placement also due to previous scars. There are many creative ways to wear clothing that will look fine and trendy. Just heal well with positive thoughts only. You will get through the initial issues fine. Do not panic as you learn how to manage better and better. Will take a while. I am here for any questions/advice. Barry
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Mar 10, 2014 11:45 am
Glad to hear from you Taz. I have been thinking of you and how your doing. I am day 19 since my ileostomy surgery and I have gotten many tips and such support it has really helpedme through. I wish you a speedy recovery and keep coming back.
Mar 10, 2014 12:54 pm
Thxs Barry and pammer,last night I didn't sleep much and today seems to be as day 1 with discomfort. My stoma nurse is coming tomorrow so hopefully she can help as I have developed red/soreness around my stoma which is stinging a lot :(So not sure what I can put on it as in creams so that the bag seal still will stick?? Any ideas I'd appreciate itTaz x
Mar 10, 2014 1:09 pm
Hi Taz. I too have alot of redness around my stoma. I am putting a call into my doctor to see what I can use to help soothe it as its quite sore. I hope you to can get relief.

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Mar 10, 2014 1:34 pm
Hi Taz Pammer. Irritation is not unusual especially initially. There is always an initial fitting adjustment and possibly a little leakage immediately around the stoma area. After surgery the stoma is always swollen to a degree. Have the stoma nurse measure the diameter and adjust pouch opening size. DO NO T use creams or ointments! Use only a powder like stomahesive powder which will not affect adhesion. Ask the nurse about it. This is all normal for now but it wiil get only better. Barry
Mar 10, 2014 6:08 pm
Thxs Barry ????I'll bring it up to my stoma nurse tomorrow, hopefully it's just a case if re sizing.X
Mar 10, 2014 9:02 pm
Hi Taz, I hope you're doing OK. Me and my boyfriend have been thinking of you.Hopefully the redness will go down soon. My BF found that a two piece was less irritating to his skin than a one piece. But it's still early days and soon you'll be able work out what works best for you.Let me know how you're getting on x x
Mar 10, 2014 10:11 pm
Hi Taz. Never told you my Stoma's name. It is Mr. Schmaltz. Named it when I was 11. It is an ethnic name which means chicken fat Barry
Mar 12, 2014 11:02 am
Hi rach, thxs for the message, I asked me nurse about the 2 piece but apparently they prefer these to begin with so maybe look into it for the future. They have given me a powder too put on the redness to help relieve the soreness and help it heal. Thts a strange name Barry lol but unique :)Taz x
Mar 12, 2014 11:25 pm
Yes, my BF stuck to one pieces for a while and then moved on to two pieces after a month or so. He asked if you've tried barrier wipes to soothe the soreness? They really help him not to get sore skin around Rocky! Ask your IBD nurse for a couple x x
Mar 13, 2014 3:52 pm
Thxs Rach I've been given a powder called orahesive to try so will mention the wipes when she comes out on monday . ?X
Mar 13, 2014 10:25 pm
Sounds like you're getting to grips with Squidge! Keep going :)Me and BF have just come home from the gym... We wouldn't have been able to do this 7 months ago. You'll be back to doing your old activities in no time x x
Mar 14, 2014 10:34 am
Thxs i hope so. Can i ask how long did it take before your bf could actually take part in the gym? Before i got really ill i use to teach thai boxing and miss it immensely, i know i cant do fullcontact any more but just to take part as my nurse keeps stressing about hernias / prolapse :( so im confused to when ?x
Mar 14, 2014 2:15 pm
Taz, you will be able to teach again! Be weary of contact sports. They do make a protective cover for ostomates but I would not take a chance. Remember your abdominal muscles were cut. Surgeons usually try to minimalize damage. I was able to start lifting/transferring after 3-6 months depending on progress. Being a occupational therapist I needed to get back to work. That was after my last revision to Mr. schmaltz. Things were fine for almost 40 years before this. As time goes on you could start minimal abdominal strengthening and toning exercises. Try to be patient. Check with your surgeon. Hope your irritation around stoma is improving. Barry
Mar 14, 2014 6:09 pm
I know patience isn't a thing I handle well, as for the soreness I've been given 'orahesive powder' which has stopped the stinging ???? so here's hoping it does the job x
Mar 15, 2014 8:05 pm
It took BF four months before he went back, and he's doing really gentle exercise for the time being, like cycling and very light weights. His consultant and surgeon both said that he will know himself when he's ready to go back. It's a case of learning to walk before you can run for sure! But do check with your surgeon to be double sure.Yes, you do have to be careful in case of hernias but take everything slowly! You'll know your limits.And BF is hoping to get back into his hockey soon. Talking to other folks who partake in contact sports, there are a few products that will help protect Squidge, but it seems that protection just gets in the way and they've ended up playing rugby/hockey without one.Hope you're having a good weekend! X x
Mar 15, 2014 9:25 pm
I've been told they do ostomy armour guard, but I'll see it to that when I'm ready but I gio back to my surgeon in April for follow up and results so I've all these questions for her. Thxs Rach u and ur bf's advise and support as been appreciated Taz x
May 07, 2014 9:21 am
hi, taz, its strange reading ur blog as march 10th was the day they were cutting me up, how are things going now , I had a nightmare the first few weeks, a seal went in the cash and carry at the till one day, but now things have settled, and I even pop out without thinking about taking spare stuff now. im back to work now and feeling so fit with energy not found in years, ps are you a full member on here and if so what benefits are there