I've just stumbled upon this group and I am ecstatic to have done so!
I am desperately looking for anyone who may have had the same type of colostomy procedure as I and even more so, what do you eat?!?
I'm sorry in advance - this will be a very long read -
One day I was struck with severe abdominal pain and cramping. I was later taken to the emergency room. It resulted in an emergency surgery due to a large non-operable tumor in my colon. A surgical procedure was performed - a loop colostomy with stoma placement and all the fun things that go with it.
It's been a very long year with a long host of OMG's!
You thought my hello was long -
Long story starts now
Due to a host of bizarre events - as I mentioned - OMG moments! I basically was put in a coma for a month, woke up, started chemo and was sent home due to an OMG event which resulted in the loss of my medical care. I still have a port in my chest a year later - ugh.
The really sad part in this all - I HAVE medical insurance!
Yep - OMG moments!
All I left the hospital knowing, was that almost everything I might eat - could or would kill me before the cancer could - ugh.
I was told "I could" eat:
Canned carrots with salt, chicken breast with salt, white medium rice with salt, 1 slice per day of crispy toasted white bread dry with no crust, dry Rice Krispies, 1/2 a banana every now and then, and that I need to drink tons of clear liquids. Oh, and to cut everything into tiny pieces and chew each bite 30 or more times until a pulp-like consistency occurs before swallowing - gag - omg!
I was told:
Sugar, butter, dairy, nuts, all seeds, raw vegetables, fresh fruits, red meat, pork, seafood, anything that has a skin or that forms a skin - are NOT my friends! Oysters and mushrooms are CERTAIN DEATH - OMG
I basically have eaten a 1/2 of a salted chicken breast, salted canned carrots, burnt toast and Gatorade Zero's every day for a year. There's been a day here and there that I couldn't bring myself to eat period - yuck.
I have gone from what was my normal weight of 140 pounds to a corpsed skeletal look of 85 pounds. Yep - OMG - The Shining - inserting another OMG here!
I did break out my heat gun (which felt like it now weighs 50 pounds) to stretch wrap and corpse a few cheap skeletons for Halloween this year - lol. I could have just laid myself out on the front lawn and saved a few bucks - lol.
I hope I haven't broken any rules within my very long-winded post. It did feel awesome to have actually put "some" of my OMG moments of the past year in print. Yes, there's more - lol.
I also hope my first post doesn't get me banned. I've not posted publicly about my medical issues before.
Thank you to anyone who actually makes it all the way to the end to read my question :
What can I eat that isn't a chicken, a carrot or a piece of burnt toast - that doesn't result in an instant death as per my hospital surgeon?!?
Thank you SO much!