Normal Bowel Movements After Sigmoid Loop Colostomy?

Feb 09, 2023 5:37 am

Hope someone can help. I'm 3 weeks out from surgery. I've got a sigmoid loop colostomy. My stoma is working fine, but almost every day from 3 days post-surgery, I've had a proper bowel movement from my bottom. I was warned I'd get this for a little time while the part of the bowel after the stoma empties, and then I'd still get occasional mucus movements. But the poops coming out are large and well-formed. Is this normal?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Feb 09, 2023 10:40 am

Never happened to me and I have a loop colostomy. Consult the hospital where the operation was carried out and tell them you are concerned.

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Feb 09, 2023 3:29 pm

Yes, it can happen with a loop stoma. As with everything, if you're worried, get some medical advice to put your mind at rest. Leave a message on your stoma nurse's phone or email them so they can call you back.

Feb 09, 2023 8:54 pm

For this to be happening three weeks out from surgery does seem strange. Probably a good idea to check in with the surgeon.
