
Dec 20, 2011 5:47 pm
Hi every one HAPPY CHRISTMAS !!

Just too inturduce my self I am Ram 33 year old and had chron for 8 years I had my surger in november 2011 , removed all my colone and have ilestomy bag .It looks like may be permanant , I wanted to find out if any one had a reverse done with chron disies , I have been advised by my docter if you have reverse and have internal pouch the chron comes back again in few years tiem . I have also been having prolap very often is that common ?

I just need more advise I thought I may find my answer her .

many thanks

ron in mich
Dec 21, 2011 3:56 pm
hi ram i,ve had my ileo. now for 26yrs. and what i heard is most docs. don,t like to do reversals or internal pouches with crohns as the disease can come back any time and cause more problems and need surgery. good luck ron
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Dec 21, 2011 7:21 pm
thank you Run,if i may ask how do you find with ileo.. do you have prolap some time ? If don't ware a belt the stoma comes out and I have to lay flat on the ground and it's goes back in again .many thanks