Hello. I'm new to this forum. I joined with the hope of getting some insights from ostomates with similar experience. The surgeon who did my surgery and a dozen others I have consulted since do not have any idea of what's going on with me. They tell me that they have never had a patient experience what I am experiencing. I'm a very private person, but I am desperately looking for some answers to how I can deal/cope with my condition and whether there is any hope for me. That's why I'm sharing my nightmare journey with you all.
Here's what happened. I reluctantly had an end sigmoid colostomy seven months ago in July 2022, because of what my GI doctor and my colo-rectal surgeon thought was obstructed defecation due to my pelvic floor muscles not coordinating properly. The surgeon told me that if I had a diversion colostomy, my pelvic floor muscles would get some rest and with proper pelvic therapy, most likely will start behaving and I will be able to poop through my rectum and anus again once the colostomy is reversed. What he didn't know was that after the colostomy surgery, I would get severe pain in my anus, rectum, penis, and belly which keeps getting worse, not better over time. I have tried every kind of pain medication and therapy out there including muscle relaxants, nerve pain reducers, prescription and over-the-counter pain relievers, TENS machines, suppositories, enemas, ointments, creams, homeopathic and naturopathic remedies, sitz baths, and pelvic floor exercises. Nothing has given me any relief.
Sorry about sharing this gloomy story. Does anyone have anything they can share that would shed some light on what I am going through? I respectfully ask that the answers be sensitive and not make light of my hellish journey by being humorous. Thank you for reading this.