I received an ileostomy a year ago due to near-fatal relapse from ulcerative colitis. I am currently changing hospitals as for a year the surgery team kept dismissing my concerns of bulge under my stoma, continuing nausea, loss of appetite, and almost constant infections. After several hospitalizations after the surgery, the hospital finally sent me home with antibiotics 8 months after the surgery. That worked, but the infection keeps returning. 4 months ago, I expressed concern of bloody mucus discharge to which the surgery team dismissed as well. 2 weeks ago, I met with the surgeon who confirmed a hernia; to which I had mentioned 9 months ago if I had one. Currently, I am in the process of changing hospitals and doctors as the surgeon stated I will probably need hernia surgery as the location is in an unsafe location. I need medical personnel worthy of my confidence.
Has anyone else experienced bloody mucus discharge, odor from mucus discharge (to which I mentioned occurred from the beginning), extreme nausea, loss of appetite, constantly changing taste buds where foods I ate the previous week I can no longer get down?
I am thoroughly livid with the lack of attention the past year from the hospital staffs following my surgery that I am worried I am seriously ill. I will know more later this month from 3 new doctors. I should have returned to my profession 7 months ago, but I am still having issues and am not well enough to return to my career. I do not imagine this is normal from my research, but maybe other ileostomy patients have had similar experiences?