What Foods Make You Gassy? Share Your Experiences!

Nov 21, 2009 7:39 pm
Hi all, I,m the crazy one from Aussiealia and I was wundering what makes you gassy. See I have an Ileostomy and sometimes I get what I call a zeppo. it's short for a zeppelin and its when my bag gets so full of gas it is tight as a drum and the sligtest movement could set it off lol. So I am just curious .

Things that make me gassy;

Pork,, foul stench,

Eggs,, foul foul stench,

Fish, foul foul fishy underbelly stinky stench

Cabbage, stench

Steak, not a bad stench.

So just for fun let me know what makes you gassy and its stench level

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Nov 21, 2009 8:10 pm
Well Gus, all I can say is 'count your chooks' as you only get it sometimes! My bag fills up like that EVERY night whilst I sleep (or for those that know me, try and sleep!) regardless of what I eat ........ and I liken mine to a Zeppelin too - how strange is that!
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Nov 21, 2009 10:15 pm
Seriously, for a change, if I didn't have that bag blown up I would, and have been seriously concerned. I have wondered if this is somehow connected to having an iliostomy, I can't remember folks with a colonoscopy bringing this up. I am grateful that I have trained myself to wake around three am otherwise, well I'd damn well learn, and fast. I never worry about what eat, when the wind blows, there she goes. If I don't eat anything, as happens some days I still get the air.

Hi Rachel, Gus


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PS: Maybe all we need is a microphone, look at all the politicians who release all that gas!
Nov 21, 2009 10:57 pm
i would have to say booze stench level raunchy
Nov 22, 2009 12:43 am

HAHAHA as soon as i saw raunchy i thought of funky lmao,, I think the gas issue is something to do with having an ileostomy and mine wakes me at around 3am too, must be a sunconcious thing or we could all be limked in some Ileo etherial weird twilight zone way ,,,, ya think?

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Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Nov 22, 2009 1:28 am
I guess we never really appreciated that big organ full of crap until its gone and we have to learn to change our lives to cope with the changes to our bodies. Thankfully we didn't lose our ability to find humour in our lives, I can't imagine what it must be like for those who just can't get to that plateau. I freely admit that during the first year or so I was so pissed at what happened to me I thought I would never laugh again. I guess when I found out the terrible suffering of people with Crohn's and UC the tables turned and all for the better.

Now, just when I need surgery again, I can't have it because of other complications and I'm just beginning to cope with that, but I AM ALIVE and able to Bi#$% and complain and nobody gives a damn and soon I won't either. I'm babbling, so long for now. Ed
Nov 22, 2009 2:12 am
You know guys and gals.  I like the way my ostomy nurse put it.....................what's the big deal?  It's just an asshole moved to a different location.  I thought about it a little differently after that.

And it's ice cream that causes terrible gas for me.....vanilla smells vanilla, chocolate smells like chocolate, etc.  Just kidding, it all smells nasty to me!  

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Past Member
Nov 22, 2009 4:47 am

Exactly, couldnt have said it better myself!  Whatever you eat, it all just ends up a funkier version of whatever that is (like fish stinks at the best of times hey!).
I get the "zeppo" happening only after dairy before bedtime so no cocoa for me!
Anyways, whatever the outcome, couldn't be stinking anymore than the bowel intact, I don't think anyone can say their shit don't stink!!! (although some may be believing it don't!).
Cheers all!!!

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Nov 22, 2009 6:17 am

And those who think theirs don't stink, I just love to try and play mind games on them.

Nov 22, 2009 10:10 am

hey mine don't stink,,,,, they f*%$in stink hehehe,, and when I lost my colon after a year with Crohns disease,, first thing I said when I woke from surgery was " well I used to have a colon but now I'm a semi colon" . The surgeon near wet himself lol. Humour will get you though any adversity,, read the books on Gallipoli and the Aussies in France during WW1,, funny stuff in the face of death and terror.

P.S. anything by Les Carlyon is an eye opener.
Nov 22, 2009 10:50 pm
You know Gus you're lucky you landed up with a semi colon, It could have been a period and friends would be calling you Aggie, ha ha ha. LMAO

I'm vying for that prize too.
Past Member
Nov 23, 2009 12:41 am
I had a colostomy a few months ago and have the same gas problems. My husband sometimes tells me "your rucksack is full" when I start to look like in the early stages of pregnancy. I just go and degas.

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It all does not worry me, I can eat almost anything again after 15 years of Crohn's.  I would like to try a one piece pouch but I am not game enough because of the gas problem.


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Nov 23, 2009 1:58 am
Hi all, I guess the gas all are talking about is not really a source of worry to any. No one seems to have said yet it is a source of discomfort; stink? yes. I have been making my own bags which weighs about 2 grams in all or less maybe. The adhesive coated on a paper that clings to my peristomal skin is permeable and lets the gas out with regularity. So no 'zeppo' for me now. The branded bags that I was using earlier gave me hell sometimes with ballooning shocks. But now I have another problem - if I am not in a well ventilated place, I get the mild and continuous stink of gas through the T shirt or the shirt.

Before I discovered the permeability property of my bag I was making a key hole in the bag and putting a 3M micropore lid on top. With this I could remove the lid from time to time and let the zeppo vanish in thin air. The lid works for almost the full length of bag life.

Mar 08, 2010 10:59 am
Ok, where do I start. I love fish, but the aftermath of it... Fooooey!!!  

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I still have to empty the boy's bag up to 4 times a night sometimes all depending on what I have eaten during the day.

The day when I don't have to empty it, I will worry like crazy. So, let him swell, I just tell people that say something (mum and dad normally or close friends), I am half pregnant and only had a half of a naughty...
Mar 08, 2010 6:50 pm
ok, eggs and cabbage were the worst for me, eggs were so bad, I stopped eating them when I had my bag.

Now, here is a question......WHY DOES THE POO AND GAS SMELL SOOOOO MUCH WORSE  with a colostomy than when it happens without an ostomy?? Don't get me wrong, my regular poos could be bad but WHOOOWEEEEEE not as bad as when I had my bag O' poo.

Does anyone know why that is?
Mar 08, 2010 10:37 pm
When I first came home from the hospital and complained to my Home Health RN about the smell he said, "Well God knew what he was doing when he put your butt as far away from your nose as possible." It is only when it right under your nose that you can smell just how bad it stinks. Made sense to me.


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Mar 16, 2010 1:50 pm
Hi ya Pat, now there is a logical answer if I ever heard one. Ed

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Mar 17, 2010 4:34 pm
For me it's fish, eggs and meat that give the worst odors.

As for the gas ... I'm usually very gassy, but if I have something fizzy, look out! Boy do I miss my diet soda

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. Even Perrier gives almost immediate gas.

Don't have nearly the gas during the day as I have at night. Must empty the zeppo at 3am (that's the time I started to wake up naturally, now I set the alarm just in case) and then when I wake at 6am, there's another zeppo ready.

Anyone else have less gas during the day?

Just discovered that chocolate definitely gives me 'the runs' -- had some last evening, and output is active and extra noisy this morning.

PS. I've got my first 'travel' under my belt -- or should I say pouch. Sis and I went to a dog show in Seattle over the weekend so spent 2 nights away from home for the first time. Not a big trip, but I was apprehensive. All went well, but I was glad that I had some toilet paper in my purse. Maybe I'll be able to trim back on the supplies I bring along as I get more experienced with travel (thinking ahead to our planned 3 months in Europe) ... but I think the days of 'travelling light' are over. Even if the stuff isn't heavy - it sure takes up room!