Can I Get My Medical Prescriptions Filled in Australia?

Jun 23, 2010 3:00 pm
Hi guys,

I am going to study for one semester in Sydney as an exchange student and wondred if I can get prescriptions for all my supply also in Australia.

I had to get the Overseas Student Health Cover of OSHC Worldcare required by my University but it says that it does not cover cost from diesease or disabilities I already had before going to Sydney. Does anybody know sth. about that?

I will be staying in Sydney for half a year and have no clue how I should manage to bring all my ostomy and other supply down under.

I have already been abroad for several months in various countries and my parents have always sent my stuff abroad as all the airline companies did not allow me to have more weight. BUt it will be quiet complicated and expensive for Australia.

I wondred if anybody of you had similar problems with airlines and how you could find a solution with the overweight? I can not understand how it is possible to pay a specific amount of money and bring diving equipment, surf boards or huge music instruments but no medical supply needed

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would be very grateful for some advice =)
Past Member
Jun 24, 2010 1:35 am
G'day Honeybee,

The contact details for the major NSW Ostomy Association (in Sydney) are as follows:-

7 Bridge Rd

Stanmore NSW 2048, Australia

(02) 9565 4315

They may be able to help you with information about obtaining ostomy supplies.

As Australians do not pay for their ostomy products (just a small annual fee and postage) I am not sure whether people from other countries (maybe Britain would be exempt) are covered with insurance.  As a student I am sure it would be expensive for you to purchase all your supplies.  

I have spent the last 6 months in the United States and like yourself I had my parents post supplies to me (which as you say is quite expensive) and I brought a considerable amount with me in my luggage (was only one case and did not have to pay excess and was enough to last me for 6-8 months, in fact I probably brought too many as I always like to have about 3 months ahead, just in case!).

Perhaps you could also contact the company your supplies are from (Hollister, Convatec, etc?) and see what your options would be.  

Sorry if this is little or no help but I am not sure of the supply situation in Europe, I would assume that it is similar to Australia, having not to pay (hopefully for you!).  

Let us know how you get on anyway, I am sure you will enjoy your time in Australia, it's a great place to be, hey!


Jo x  

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Jun 24, 2010 8:39 am
Hi J.Maree

thanks a lot for your reply =) Yes its similar in Germany.

I will try to find out via the Ostomy Association.

I am also usually bringing quiet a lot ahead in case a package is getting lost. I also have to use single urinary catheters so I have even more stuff to bring

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when I went for 3 months to the States I could bring everything with me but was allowed 30 kg in my luggage, but this time to Australia for even 6 months I am just allowed to bring 23 kg what really sucks.

How did you convince the airline to bring one entire case with your supplies, or was it still within the weight limit?

I always explain them my situation but they always keep telling me that I have to pay the regular fee per kg overweight, which is huge...


Jun 27, 2010 1:28 pm
G'day from Oz, Sabine

Re the weight - do you take your bags and small items out of their packaging and put them into lightweight plastic bags (Kliplok bags they are called here).  Also, another tip - when we go overseas I ask my doctor to give me a signed note for  Customs to say that my equipment is for medical reasons.  

Cheers Trish

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Jun 27, 2010 2:25 pm

Excellent advice Trish, I forgot to tell Sabine I did this too, certainly cuts the load a bit.
I only took one large case and even with my clothes, boots, and 6 month supplies, it still came to under 20kg on the scale.  I must mention that I also had a carry on overnight bag filled with supplies as well and even when this was checked at just about every security point I went through, the guards just looked at it and didn't say a thing, not that it would have bothered me, quite happy to inform if need be! Like Trish I also carry a signed note but I have never had to produce it.


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Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Jun 28, 2010 12:46 pm
yes thanks for the advice but I also did the same on all my travelling but still its a lot as I said i need also catheters... but still I am very impressed how u could manage to get under 20kg with supply for 6 months =) amazing!!!!

I guess I will call the airline again and hope I can take some more stuff with me, they wanted to call back but didnt.

Thanks a lot for your tips anyways =)
Jul 26, 2010 12:58 am
Hi Honeybee,

What Uni are you going to in Sydney? I'm around Sydney.

How did you get on with the Ostomy Assoc here?

Sep 06, 2010 4:05 am
Hey Lexi how r u?

I m soo sry just saw that u replied, somehow I dont get notifications when so. replies.....

I m good here, but didnt contact the association, although always wanted to do that! I also wanted to go to some of the ostomy meetings to hospitals or wherever they r as I ve never met other ppl with ostomies.... r u going to such meetings?

I m studying at Sydney Uni, where r u studying? would be great meeting u around if u r there too =) I m really thinking bout upgrading so I can write personal messages too....

cheers and look forward to hearing from u =)
Nov 07, 2010 7:40 am
HEY MATE I VOLUNTEER AT MY association in melbourne we could help aswell i am at colostomy assoc.2nd flr 3rd lift come 1 come all address elizabeth st 98 block arcade we also  have a nurse aswell we can help thats y i go in.. i know i got dr. certificate 2 go to malaysia they didnt even care my certificate just in case we will help you out  darz cheers mare