Rash Under Stoma from Wafer Contact - Normal or Doctor Visit?

Jul 17, 2010 1:44 am
Has anybody experenced a rash below the stoma where the wafer comes in contact with your skin if so, is it anythng to go see a dr about? or does it simply go away
Jul 17, 2010 2:38 am
Hi Mike - if it is red and itchy, it is probably a fungal rash (yeast) and you can use Desenex powder around it, and blot it a little with skin prep to make a sticky paste.  It will protect the skin and also still let the wafer stick.  I get them a lot especially in the hot, humid weather we've been having in California this week.  

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Jul 17, 2010 4:52 pm
I don't know if you have this in the states, but up here in canada we are assigned an ET nurse the moment we get an ostomy. Any kind of skin deterioration around a stoma can be trouble. What you may have is folliculitis. Each time you remove the appliance, you damage the hair follicles and they infect but this can be controlled (though it's a pain in the ass...I know). But an ET nurse should be your first stop. If you don't have one, see if you can get one. They know better than doctors how to deal with these issues.


Jul 17, 2010 5:39 pm
like he said i have to shave around my stoma so the hair doesnt cause problems and when i leak around the stoma i get a rash and i just air out a few hours a day while changing and it helps out like i said b4 i change so much that you also can be removing small layers of skin and it becomes sore try and make your waffer unstick to your skin like getting it wet and maybe you wont get that rash
Jul 17, 2010 7:12 pm
Hi Mike, I know its another problem we don't need. I had this rash you speak of but it was before I finally got to using the Adapt Rings and was changing at least twice a day and sometimes more but as I finally figured out how to get the Adapt rings to a perfect size by using a tapered dowel and had a seal that allowed the wafer last up to a week which gave the skin enough time to heal thus ending the problem. After all the fooling around trying to make a taper and marking it you land up with a nearly perfect seal each time, but last week at the dollar store I found a kids toy that was tapered on each end and made of some sort of plastic and using the measure of the wooden one did the same with this, and all for a dollar, worth its weight in scallops if you live in Louisiana, Ed

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Hope this helps

Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Jul 17, 2010 10:36 pm
Thanks Everybody,