
Dec 25, 2010 8:11 pm
dideveryone have a great day yesterday and eat to much well i can put my hand up for that but my little friend behaved all day
Dec 25, 2010 8:58 pm
Mine has behaved today but didn't last night just before Midnight Mass! Grrrrrrrr

Rach xx
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Dec 25, 2010 9:22 pm
mine normally plays up about then  but i was in bed would have like to go to midnight mass
Dec 26, 2010 12:39 am
Mine was a good boy. Thanks for little things!
Dec 26, 2010 4:09 am

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  Yes airforce we have x-mas same day remember I never had a problem but never do ..Its the othe stuff.. chezza always a good girl ..Um i dont go to mass i would be turned to ash  even if i walked near a chuch ....xxx

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  hey rachey xxxx mare   - mooza how are u ?????

How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Dec 26, 2010 10:24 am
Hi Mooza - I am okay - tired but not so bad - last few days need to catch up with me so am suspecting a crash day sometime soon when I can barely stay awake for the day and night fortunately! Pacing does work for me, but there are just times when you can't - like this time of year!

Have you sorted those meds out yet - and is anything working for that pain?  Hope so .....?

Hope you are having a good Boxing Day (do you have a Boxing Day over there - not even sure what it is except that it celebrates St Stephen - but have no idea what he did that we all need to celebrate????!!! Never mind - it was nice of him whatever it was!

Rach xxx
Dec 26, 2010 6:13 pm
Happy Boxing Day all!

Had a great Christmas and the dinner was so yummy ... my first Christmas dinner since my ileo.

Has small portions of turkey, mashed potatos, well cooked carrots, jellied cranberry sauce and gravy. Even a bit of pork/bread stuffing.

Then later a couple of Purdy's chocolates and shortbread.

Dec 26, 2010 8:15 pm
I had a great Christmas and spent the time with my kids, grandkids and all of the great grandkids.  I'm just sad because my hubby could't go because he was sick.  

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And...my little girl was a total little bitsch yesterday but thank God it all happened before I had to get dressed.  I guess I did the wrong thing and pissed her off cuz she sure won't stop poopin!!  Oh My God !!!  What a mess.  

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Anyway, Christmas ended up be good and so was my little girl.

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Barbie (Mystified)
Dec 27, 2010 8:09 am
I was done in for the first time in a long time by a fabulous Christmas brunch - spinach frittata, garlic potatoes, and blood oranges mimosas!

Spinach, garlic and orange pulp - not a pretty combination!    

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Fixed myself up later with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes - all great for stopping the flow!  

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Dec 27, 2010 6:14 pm
Tyler and I were so lucky because we got to enjoy two Christmas dinners; the first one at my parents' home, and the second one at his dad's house on Boxing day! ^_^ Both were delicious, and we just stuffed ourselves to the point of gluttony.

Tyler's ileo was healthy and normal over the holidays, but he was a little more gaseous than usual because of all the holiday cooking and goodies that were being passed around.

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It made for some interesting sound effects while we visited with people!

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Dec 28, 2010 3:38 am
I and my little friend had great holiday experience.  Lots of good food and only the chili caused any issues.  Still, it was good chili.  I'm on a total See Food diet and simply live with the consequences.  Usually not too bad. Good food is so enjoyable!  Loren

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