
Sep 28, 2010 1:05 am
Hello osteomates!! Haven't posted in awhile and wanted to say HEY. I hope everyone is doing well and finding comfort with themselves. Have the stomach bug going through my house now. I haven't gotten it yet, and am keeping my fingers crossed that I dodge this one!! Well, summer is over and the cold weather is near.I ran outside in the rain this evening, it was a little chilly. Almost time to use the treadmill again. I bought the Hip Hop Abs workout DVDs today and should receive them nextweek. I need to strengthen my abdominals more. If this works I will let you all know. I am trying to find a work out that doesn't mess with "stella the stoma" so much.Have any of the ladies here found flattering/ stylish jeans?I have been wearing the ones that go up to my belly button and are huge to accomodate the bag. I was just wondering if there was a brand that anyone likes. Well, I hope everyone is well. Take care
Past Member
Sep 28, 2010 2:20 pm
G'day Firegirl, how ya goin',

Since staying in the States I have discovered "Not Your Daughter's Jeans" and find these are really comfy and look pretty good too! (If not a bit pricey). Mid rise so not too harry-high-pants, but I've never liked the low rise hipster look anyhoo, even on the skinniest girls they tend to look strange methinks (not to mention make 'em walk like they have a pole up their bum!).

Otherwise, for a cheaper version, I like the Lee riders, even the "shaper" ones don't smoosh in your stoma (I wear a convex base so that's never been a problem) but give you a really nice shape and they have plenty of room in the thighs which I need (being of the "thunder" variety!).

Let us know how the Abs DVD works out, definitely a good move to keep the core muscles in shape with an ostomy, hey.

Happy shopping/working out!

Cheers me dear,

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Past Member
Oct 14, 2010 8:24 pm
I have not a clue about ladies jeans but I got a new ostomy belt, Stealth Belt. I dont' see why it wouldn't work for women? Since I got it, I started running again and tucking in my shirts, it holds my bag (2 piece system) horizontaly above my belt line. I love it.

Oct 28, 2010 5:21 am
hi firegirl havnt chatted to u 4 ages wats up u working ..Oh well hope to chat sum time cheers mare-mooza