no mans land!!

Jan 17, 2011 2:02 am
I am so so stuck in no mans land cuz im awaiting onan appointment from my surgeon for a sample of my bowel to be taken to determine whether or not im eligable for a reversal although ive been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis they hav to do da test just to be sure to be sure its all systems go!!!! its also a tiny bit bittersweet going for the reversal cuz in a way i feel like i shouldn't try to be fixing something that isn't broken, as the bag works so well im a bit afraid to be throwing a spanner in the works upsetting things!! plus the recovery is suppose to knock me for ten!!!

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but but but on the other hand if i try to be optimistic about things for a second and realise that a couple of months recovery is nothing in comparison to a whole life bagless, being able to jump inand out of the shower wihout a moments thought, just a towel at the ready would be handy

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and really like worse case senario i am back to square one with the bag which im dealing with pretty well as it is, is not actually that big of a deal, at the end of the day its a matter of ive got nothing to lose!!! just have to keep realising to myself that its a win win situation anyways as it stands as the disease is already removed so life has already been improved by ten fold!!! with the bag im defo on theright side of recovery so i should be grateful either way!!

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Jan 18, 2011 1:29 am
Did they not do any tests on your diseased colon when they removed it ? I think i was lucky with mine because i was initially told i had Crohns and that i would not be able to have a reversal but when everything was removed i was told it was actually Ulcerative Colitis.

I hope everything happens soon for you and it turns out that it is UC and not Crohns. Il also let you know how i get on with my reversal, the ups and downs =)
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Jan 18, 2011 3:48 pm
I am waiting on tests too before a reversal and an fistula repair, its a total drag isnt it waiting around Keep your chin up sweetie you have survived so much this last few miles in the race for a bagless life will be a breeze
Jan 18, 2011 5:04 pm
hi there, am new to this but catching on quick... i am also in the same position as yourself.. in fact meeting surgeon tomorrow for same, me nerves ! but damn it if i don't try it i'll never know if it works for me, can always go back to baglady mode...ah life's too short to be so muddled by these things , just go for it, there are worse things going on in the world !!! keep us posted anyway.. slan for now