first time travel to usa alone since ileostomy??

Mar 15, 2011 3:16 pm
greetings people,, oh silly me, well, am not used to blogging or using this wonderful site, so here goes. Since having my stoma thrust upon me two years ago(uc) i have been putting off long distance travel esp multi trip connections , the what may happen senarios while travelling alone etc willstay with family for some of time there. ! how much stomasupplies to bring ..All information most welcome.. will travel from ireland to usa this april new mexico way plus other states thereabouts.. really looking forward to it but having little worries,,,,whats the desert heat like.. plus any ostomates living nearby would be glad to connect with. or info on local stoma nurses...... please feel free to share any travel tips however minor thanks... kerry xxxxxx

Mar 15, 2011 5:21 pm

Well, as you say a lot has to be considered. For one, when I travel I always take enough supplies i.e., pouches, dermahesive etc to cover each day of my trip and then I add one or two extra depending on what I plan to do such as swimming or other activities. So far, and I have travelled quite a lot, I have never had to buy supplies at any of my world wide ports o call. I guess it would be a good idea to google ahead to gat info about the availability of any ostomy supplies that you might need. This is obviously more applicable in some areas than others. I am sure other reader will have a lot more to add. Have fun in your travels.

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Past Member
Mar 15, 2011 8:20 pm
There are alot of web sights out there that can help you with your travels! There are certificates that you can take with you to hurry along the lines!This is some sight that I like!
Its important to educated yourself before you run into a problem even more so when you travel!
How to Travel With an Ostomy
Past Member
Mar 16, 2011 11:30 pm
Thank you for these information
Past Member
Mar 22, 2011 1:40 am
Hi Kerry,

This is a copy from a previous post of mine about travelling:-

I have an ileostomy and have flown several times now between Australia and the USA with no problems encountered so far.

Have been through the full body scanners and I honestly don't think they can even see it, because the only time I had to be patted down or examined was when I actually mentioned I had an ostomy before I went through the scanner. Even that wasn't a big deal, was happy to inform them!

I just eat and drink as normal on the plane, have never had the bag balloon and just empty as normal about every 4 hours.

Because mine are such long haul flights (30-40 hours including flight time/airport changeovers), I try and get into the mind set that I'm just kicking back in a lounge chair watching movies for a day and a half! Certainly makes the time go by quickly!

And in addition to that post I take about twice as many supplies as I think I will need, they fit in my carry-on luggage (which is all I take)and always have enough to spare, although most of the ostomy companies main branches are in the USA so if you do happen to run out you would be able to get spare supplies there. Even some of the medical supplies stores (which are in abundance even in small towns) have ostomy products to tide you over.

As for the desert heat, well being a West Oz girl living on the edge of what seems like the desert (!) I have never had any problems with my ileostomy in sweltering conditions when at home, and at the moment it looks like summer is just continuing on, autumn nowhere in sight!

Happy travels Kerry, am sure once you start travelling and find how easy it actually is, you will be jetsetting in no time!


Jo :)

How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Past Member
Aug 30, 2011 11:13 am
Hi there Kerry, or should I say Professor Peabody!!! Oh I love your sense of humour and it brings back many happy memories!!! :-) Hope you're well after your journey to the US and that you enjoyed your time there. I've only got my limited internet back as I've moved home after the surgery and was relying on my phone for access until now. Been trying to make the most of the Summer here in Sligo with plenty of time in the fields and garden.......have to recommend it for recovery! Although I may have overdone it yesterday trying to put up some fencing. The country life for me!! ;-) Take good care, Colm
Aug 30, 2011 5:13 pm
good evening Colm, how art thou.just this eve while brousing, as one does... i came across your wink post ect.. where have i been! Thanks for taking the time and forgive my late response...Am sitting out on the balcony savouring the sea breeze on a balmy greek evening, ah bliss ssss have been here one month now with family members who live here.. I also hope to have pouch surgery in oct/nov so trying to get sea air swimming etc build myself up for d day.. chow for now, do keep in touch.. Helen of Troy
Past Member
Aug 30, 2011 5:55 pm
Well good evening Helen, And wow are you the lucky one!!! I've just been cleaning out stables this afternoon.........quite a contrast!!! :-( Just wish it were warm enough to sit out here in chilly Sligo! (14C) Not quite balmy! So the swimming is over for this year here.......better get as much as you can in before coming home. Will hopefully be heading out to Italy after operation in November to see the end of the olive picking and some hunting with some old friends there. Should've headed out earlier, but thought Summer would've been better here! Enjoy your break! :-)
Past Member
Aug 30, 2011 6:22 pm
PS. Apologies, I meant to say the very best of luck for your operation in October too!Hopefully all goes well and you'll be back out to Greece and enjoy some of those balmy sea breezes :-) pps. I haven't signed up for full membership on this site yet so can't message you directly. But if you have a look on, you'll find me there and can message directly. Hope to speak to you soon, Kerry, Helen, Professor Peabody or whoever you really are!! LOL ;-)
Oct 10, 2011 10:25 am
Hi kerry literally only gettin back on til dis site since ya posted dat msg, Laughed my ass off at bag lady mode hahaha funny as fook!!! Well anyhoo had da test results back from dublin and can hav da reversal, woo hoo even tho its another two ops worse cast senario go bak to B.L.M ha and im just happy enough not to be in pain with da U.C anymore anyways!!But listen to me blabbing on bout meself, your in waiting for op too or might even hav it done by now, hope to god ya get on well with it, was talkin to a couple of people from home who had it done and dey both says dey wer a bit sick after for a couple of days but are well on recovery now, i cant private msg ya cuz i dont hav da full membership but defo keep us posted on how your doing!! Slan go foill mo chara x
Oct 12, 2011 12:10 pm
Hey you, how goes it..all positive i hope..chin up, stiff upper lip etc... well i say just go for it cuddy girl, what's to loose eh, really...nothing ventured nothing gained.. don't let any negative thoughts put you off.. think yourself there, sure if things don't work out (which they will)..then you (we) have a plan B, (B.L.M) I can now say that i am going to be ok with reverting to plan B also... I too am still waiting for J surgery,have had to stumble through a few hurdles since. I am fully aware what the outcomes can be, but as with any (surgical procedure) this can be the case.. so, don't waste any precious time loading your brain with what if', onwards and upwards...Je ne regrette rien ..i say. xxx kerry (not Dublin) damn !