The journey starts

Aug 27, 2011 4:57 am
I know this day would come and was able to hold it off for 29 years. But the day is here and set for monday 29 at 1pm. It is going to be an ileostomy with rectum removal. Been tring to keep an upbeat outlook at life but no one have volunteered to take my spot in surgery so I guess I will have to show up. But I do have a new Family here if i need to talk thanks all. wes diagnoised with chrone's when I was 18 and have gon thru a number of operations to get to this part. But I do have a Question did any one have any prep before surgery they don;t have me doing any except showering with red antiseptic soap??

Aug 27, 2011 7:31 am
Hello Blueboy,I don't have any experience of not having prep before surgery but I feel sure that they will know what they are doing. My last prep involved taking senacot which made me violently ill - so I would be pleased not to be going through that again! It may be just as easy for them to sort you out under anesthetic.Anyway, I just posted to say that I hope everything goes well for you.Best wishes Bill
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Past Member
Aug 27, 2011 8:10 am
I just recently had my ileostomy surgery and my only prep was nothing to eat or drink the night before surgery. I thought it was a bit odd that was the only prep but whatever I was certainly glad I didn't have to do anything else. Good luck to you hope all goes well.
Aug 27, 2011 11:00 am
hi blueboy,wanted to wish you loads and loads of luck for monday. i'm sure you'll be fine. i've just had an ileo (1st of july). i'm now feeling really healthy and back at work etc so you'll be ok!! i have just discovered i have to have my rectum removed and i really wish i'd had it done in one op. i was admitted to hospital a week before my op with a sever flare up of uc and was then told they'd be doing an op. i couldn't eat or drink from midnight the day before my op and had to wash with antiseptic soap. i also met the stoma nurses at the hospital who should me the different types of puches and talked me through how the op was done and gave me an information pack as well. i was also marked up two days before my op with a black marker pen so i knew where my friend would be when i woke up. i really hope everything goes well for you, make sure you log on and let us know!!!love mrs o xx
Past Member
Aug 27, 2011 6:19 pm
Hi boyblue,Just want to wish you luck with your op, chin up all will be fine youve come a long way. This is a start to a new ambies ...

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Aug 28, 2011 4:37 pm
I had to fast the day before and drink miralax with a 64 oz gallon of gatorade.Plus take laxatives. They wanted to make sure I was cleaned out before surgery.I will never drink gatorade again. Good luck with your surgery. Donna
Aug 29, 2011 3:47 am
Best of luck on the surgery. Had this done when I was very young about 50 years ago. I remember that there was no prep for the surgery only no eating after midnight. Hope you rest well tonight. Kids live in Boston and survived the hurricane with no real damage. Only positive thoughts!!.. Barry
Aug 29, 2011 5:26 pm
Hi blueboy no I didnt have any prep they just said I had cancerous polyps and they need to come out. so first op went well and no stoma but polyps kept growing so complete removal of bowel and close up rectum but now I have an ileostomy and a urostomy . you just learn to live with it all best of luck
Aug 29, 2011 7:13 pm
hello and I hope your surgery went well. I was in my twenties when I was finally diagnosed with Chron's after a few years of gradually getting worse. I had finally had a minor stroke as a complication of malnutrition as I had eventually stopped eating due to the pain the chron's caused after evry time I tried to eat. My second operation was the removal of my colon and rectum. I have had my ileostomy for over twenty years. It gave me back a quality of life the disease took from me so I guess that helped my adjustment and acceptance. The disease has been in remission ever since so I consider myself luckier than many who have suffered much more for longer and had more than two operations. Please realize that life honestly can be as normal, full and as good as you want it to be. This comes from one who honestly has been there.
Aug 29, 2011 8:08 pm
Hope everything went well. I had to prep before colostomy surgery and it was awful. It is good you got to skip that.KBD
Aug 29, 2011 8:57 pm
hello Blueboy.I had the same operation three years ago.after forty years of chron,s did,nt have any prep,had a long spell in hospital,but now feel so much better,free from pain etc,I know how you feel but this time next year, your life will be so much better.hope all goes well,I know it will,all the best Peachy.
Aug 30, 2011 12:41 am
I have dealt with Fistulizing Crohns for 8 years and then after 7 surgeries and tons of medication, I finally decided to have my colon removed and will have full rectum removal next year. Even though I was scared to death, I am glad that I had it done. I have not felt this good since before I was diagnosed. I almost feel like I did when I was a teenager. My ileostomy surgery was in June. Took a while to get out of the hospital due to other complications. Best of wishes and hope you are feeling great soon and ready to begin your new chance at life. Well.... that's what I felt like it was for me.
Aug 30, 2011 12:25 pm
Keep smiling mate... I had the same three years ago, just about your age, you will be sore for a little while, but that passes quickly... I can honestly say I can do all I could do before and there is no reason you shouldn't be the same. it's amazing how easy it is to adapt and get on with it.. You have your whole life ahead of you so keep your chin up and smile, worry about the things you can effect, don't waste a minute worrying about things you cannot change...
Aug 31, 2011 11:00 am
Wish someone (particularly doctor) would have suggested laser hair removal around the stoma site before surgery (but not immediately before - gives you a sunburn). It makes changing the appliance and itchiness way better. I had it done afterwards which is doable but would have been way easier beforehand. Hope things went well - I had the same thing as you about a year ago and am travelling well.
Aug 31, 2011 1:23 pm
funguy, Laser hair removal sounds like a wonderful idea. Wish I had it done. I think I get more skin irritation from shaving than from the appliance and tape. Plus there's always the fear of nicking the stoma.BoyBlue64, keep reading what all these caring people have to write and you'll be convinced your surgeon is advising you correctly and you'll be enjoying a great, new life sooner than you might imagine. Prayer is a terrific idea also. You'll be in mine. Mike
Sep 08, 2011 8:56 pm
thanks everyoneand funguy that is a good idea wish i had known before. well i'm a week and a half postop and finally home. had my first visit from visiting nurses, they say all looks good. my friend he called me an asshole for not telling him and his wife what was going on can you guess what my response was? ( you can't call me asshole anymore cause I don't have one try shit bag next time) LOL