to all you water sport/ocean lovers!

Sep 21, 2011 7:44 pm
today i went wake boarding for the first time with my ostomy! i was soooo happy, i havent gone wake boarding in years, before i got real sick. i was a bit on edge at first but i go up, didnt fall.. but my muscles are soooo sore! on the down side, by bag did leak, so i had to scurry home afterwards and clean up (the one time i didnt bring extra ostomy stuff :p) but it was still worth it :D

i used that stealth belt thing... it worked fine... but to all you wake board/ kite board/ surfers out there with a bag..dont change the bag and wafer the day you go in the water, it needs a day to stick well to the skin, thats what i did by accident and why i leaked. im pretty sure that was the reason ...


Past Member
Sep 21, 2011 10:02 pm
Good for you buddy !!!If you can identify the problem, you can solve it. You never know if you don't try. You've proven you're ready to re-claim your life soooooooo go out and enjoy it!!!!!BEG
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Sep 24, 2011 5:56 pm
I have been to the shore a few times too this year and enjoy the waves. I don't go in until my stoma is quiet and the bag is empty. The only thing I worry about is getting smacked head on by a nasty wave, but doesn't everybody. On another note, I learned to warm my wafer with a blow-dryer before applying to improve adhesion. It really helps. Enjoy the surf!
Sep 24, 2011 8:43 pm
hey primeboy,good idea for with the blow dryer, ill give it a try!fwi, the waves in south florida suck. its usually flat, thats why i end up wake boarding instead, but there should be a few swells coming in with the tropical storms lurking in the atlantic :D it was weird though, i didnt realize how much muscle i lost from being in the hospital for so long, it was really hard for me to pull up on my board, and stay on, my muscles where burnin, my whole body was incredibly soar the next few days.
Sep 25, 2011 3:46 am
You may need to check out whey protein to rebuild your muscles.

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