whats the best way to tell someone

Sep 30, 2011 7:10 pm
What is the best way to tell someone your dating about you ostomy. ive dated throughout high school and ive only had one girlfriend know and be understanding about it. It never even bothered her. on the other hand ive had girl friends find out and say that they cant deal with it and break up with me. so i guess im just wondering whats an easy was to tell someone.

Past Member
Sep 30, 2011 7:51 pm
Great question.....I'm sure you'll get lots of great male perspective here, but may I just say, from mine........No need to share until you feel you've reached a point of no return, be it love, sex or both ). Your health is your personal business and ONLY you should decide when and with whom, you share. You're ostomy can prove to be a GREAT JERK DETECTOR, lol. You are a Cutie Patooie, any girl that can't see what's right in front of her, doesn't deserve you.....remember that, okay?BEG
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Past Member
Sep 30, 2011 8:56 pm
I agree with Browneyed girl. you dont need to say anything until things get serious. Anyone young women with a careing heart wouldnt blink an eye about your ostomy,if shes really genuine on her feelings for you. So your on the right track coming on this site.We have already two young ones found love on here and both have the same in common. Ian theres never an easy way to tell someone about what you have,only when miss right comes it will be no chore to explain. Good luck and my best wishes to you. tc ambies...
Past Member
Sep 30, 2011 9:50 pm
Hi Ian, Listen to these girls. They're giving some good advice. Especially what ambies says only when miss right comes will it be no chore to explain. Here's wishing this will be the case for you. I've got my own fingers crossed that this will happen for me too. Take good care, Colm
Sep 30, 2011 9:54 pm
From a female perspective, I totally agree with ambies and browneyedgirl; the girl for you will not be swayed by the size of your ostomy bag...she will be swayed by the size of your heart :)

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Past Member
Sep 30, 2011 10:02 pm
Beautifully said, bag_n_drag.Thank you, BEG
Oct 01, 2011 12:00 am
From a guy's perspective who, like you, was once young and single with an ileostomy, I would usually wait a while to figure out if the relationship was going anywhere and then I would just tell her during a quiet moment. I said it in an Oh, by the way sort of way like it's really not a big deal to me, which it's not. Be positive and it will show. If I was dating today I might try resorting to a YouTube video on ostomy's also. There's so many. I wonder if anyone's done that?
Oct 01, 2011 12:13 am
Very good point on the YouTube route, PJT. I have seen, on a couple other sites, YouTube videos on how to shower with an ostomy bag, etc. so perhaps there are some good general explanations on the wonder of the ostomy out there as well. Sometimes a visual is better than a visual for explaining something that isn't routine for most people, if you know what I mean. :)
Oct 01, 2011 7:37 pm
Thanx everyone. just hearing this helps so much and its really nice to have some reasurance
Oct 06, 2011 10:20 pm
Hello Ian, don't worry mate I'm in exactly the same boat..! Solidarity brother...! Its a bit of an odd one dating with this secret, knowing at some point you are going to have to bring it up... but you know what you can relax, there will never be a perfect time/formula so don't look for it..go with the flow because the cracking thing is that if/when you do have to... the dating must be going well! Be confident mate, and as PJT rightly says be positive, i've been told that's a very attractive quality in this situation and also don't apologise or make a big deal of it, it is what it is, and if she's the one for you smashing stuff, bag or not... everyone is different and will react in different ways but I guess just be cool, it may take a little bit of time for them to get their head around the info, its not every day stuff for most people... so bare with them, before getting bare with them, I'm sure it will be worth the wait!Happy dating!
Nov 24, 2011 1:40 am
Hey, as I'm basically in the same situation here's what I think. After being through it all and coming out the other side with a bag I'm more understanding about things I might not have been if it had never happened. Honestly, life would be so much easier if guys like you lived nearer to me lol cause someone who's been through a similar situation (or have friends or family who have)) are going to understand it better and accept it. I've only had my ostomy like 2 and a half years and I've only been single for like 3 months so this is all new to me too. Plus it doesn't help that my ex broke up with me because he couldn't cope with my ostomy, it just makes me more nervous. I think if you really like them and know that they feel the same, you should only tell them when you're comfortable with it cause chances are, you're going to have to explain it all and why you have it and what it does lol Hope this helps xx