Jan 15, 2012 10:23 pm
Hi everybody,

I finally got my hernia repaired which was a god send, apart from the problems I have now. My hernia was the size of a football & it took my surgeon 7 hours to do the repairs, I was in recovery for another 8 hours as they couldn't get my temp, blood pressure & heart rate to a normal level. I came home from hospital & was fine apart from the leakes. I was taken back into hospital as I had a collection build up, I was rushed down to have a drain put in as my blood was going septic, I had a really rough time then another hernia appeared & unfortunatly for me it strangulated the bowel so it was back to surgery for me, I was finally allowed to come home on 23rd December.

I am having terrible problems with leakage from my bag, the stoma is in a pleat where the hernia was repaired.

I am using Coloplast Mio bags with a Hollister convex corn plaster (that's what I call them). Has anybody got any tips as to what I can try to stop the leakes other than staying constipated as this just causes pancaking & it pushes it out the side of the bag.

Thanks. Tricia

Past Member
Jan 15, 2012 10:24 pm
Have you tried uesing seal rings that go around the stoma,,i ues them and they are very good for stoppong leaks and protect the skin directly around the stoma.They are made by salts secuuplast mouldable seals.i ues the thin version of this and works a treat.. You can ring the company and they will send you samples.Hope this is some help to you,ive never looked back since i started uesing ambies
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Jan 16, 2012 4:11 am
Hi Tric. Sorry to hear about your leakages. I went through pancaking early this morning but, TG, I woke up in time before the dam burst. Was the surgeon who repaired your hernia the same doctor who built your ostomy? If it wasn't, as I suspect, why don't you go back to your original surgeon and have him/her evaluate the hernia repair. If the stoma isn't properly situated, you are bound to have leakages. Just a possibility. Good luck! PB
Past Member
Jan 16, 2012 5:53 am
I agree with ambies try using seals you can break them up into small pieces and build them up to fill the pleat, but I think as it's so soon after surgery you should phone your stoma nurse.
Jan 16, 2012 10:11 am
Thanks for your comments. PB it was a different surgeon that did the hernia repair, his name was given to me from the hernia association he is the top stoma hernia surgeon in our region, he did a fantastic job, the problem is I am overweight so it folds into my belly. Ambies, I have tried the seal rings but they didn't work so I am now trying a convex seal ring but still having problems.

Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Jan 16, 2012 3:59 pm
I know I have been an advocate of these before on here, but have you tried the flange extenders? They just give that extra bit of seal before the leak can get out. Just an idea. Take care JennyI know I have been an advocate of these before, but have you tried the flange extenders? They just give that extra bit of seal before anything can escape. Just an idea and hope that you can find something to help. Take care Jenny
Jan 16, 2012 3:59 pm
Jan 17, 2012 1:08 am
I have an ileostomy and overweight also, the only bag system that works for me is the Convatec Natura stomahesive moldable flange. It creates a turtleneck around the stoma and moves with it! I also use the Eakin barrier rings they are great and they don't sting! hope this helps..good luck Nora
Jan 20, 2012 12:59 am
YEAH i use the shallow convex sensura but im waiting for a hernia repair hell i dont want that happening to me i have used the stoma collar before too ... wat about a deep convex i had probs with that though pulled my skin off ended up with ulcer and got ill fated reversal so now the stoma is on the left side.... which has the larger of 2 hernias yikes :( all these replys are great i always think less is best but hope you fiond somthing thats right for you xxxx mooza