One of those days.

Mar 14, 2012 9:03 pm
I had a very embarrising situation at work today. I try not to change my bag until I get home from work. But today I had to change at work. The problem is the bathroom stalls are very small and there is no counter space to lay out my suppies,such as my wipes, preps, and clean colostomy bag.So I have to kind of juggle everything in my hands. Well I removed my soiled bag and threw it in the garbage.Then I grabbed my wet wipes and new bag and oops my clean pouch fell into the toilet. Oh Noooo! what doI do now? I didn't have any more extra pouches. I still had another hour and a half before my workday ended. But I didn't know if my stoma was going to hold up before purging out poo. I didn't know if I should tell my boss about my ostomy and explain my mishap to him so I could go home early. I decided that would be to embarrising. So I used the plastic sandwich bag that I keep my wipes in. And I placed the bag over my stoma hoping my pants would hold it in place. When I got back tomy work area I searched around for some tape. I could feel gas comming out of my stoma and knew what would come next. I grabbed the tape and ran back to the toilet to put tape around my home made bag. Then I went back to work and kept looking at tne clock hoping the last hour will go by fast.I made it home without anything leaking. But from now on I am going to bring extra pouches just in case.

Mar 14, 2012 9:18 pm
Don't just bring the extra pouches, etc., to work. Leave some there. Keep extra in your car and think about keeping some extra clothes in your car's trunk. Readiness is the best antidote to disaster.
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Mar 15, 2012 2:03 am
Oh, how I feel for you! I have had a few one of those days days. I carry extras with me always and have extras to back up the extras. Though I also have been caught without. The extra clothes is a great idea. I carry a small bag with a change of clothes with me in my vehicle have had to use them to. Glad you made it home ok.
Mar 15, 2012 4:54 am
Mission Accomplished
Past Member
Mar 15, 2012 10:43 pm
Had a few misshaps in my early days of being an ostomy,lot of times i got away with not taking supplys,but one time i got caught out.I was in town shopping i felt something go pop and warm around my bag,headed for the nearest toilets and no spares with me,i managed to stuff loo paper around the edge of the tape,hurried back home to fnd it had just started to seap through.After that ordeal i learned never go anywhere without supplys,i have them in the car and my handbag,and always put extra ones in just incase lol.A hard lesson i had to learn all ambies..

How to Manage Emotions with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Past Member
Mar 17, 2012 7:09 am
How do you think would your boss have reacted? I work part time as boat master on a passenger boat, so am on public view at a post where I can't just disappear for a few minutes. One day last year my bag and person decided to part company while at work. Fortunately my boss was onboard and he knew about my stoma, so it was just a case of Cover for me - I need 5 min in the loo. Had he not known, I would have had to explain things, making it more of an issue than it was. It may be worth slipping it into conversation sometime that you have the bag, then should any problems arise in the future the hurdle of having to explain will have already been dealt with.
Mar 18, 2012 8:31 pm
I carry a murse around now with all my supplies. I just got out of the hospital a few weeks ago, but have had an illiostomy on and off at two other times in the past for short periods - now it's permanent. Monday, I was walking into a meeting and realized the clip had come undone and a rush was going down my leg. Luckily my business partner was with me and I just said that I had to grab a call. I didn't have extra cloths, but I've decided on a couple of ways to deal from now on:1 - For a few weeks, I'm going to try to wear black as much as possible until I have this down.2 - I'll take a cup of coffee with me everywhere or plan on spilling one on me if I have a huge mishap like that again.3 - Make sure your clips and velcro are locked.4 - Have a change of pants in your car.If I came out of the bathroom with water all over my pants, I'd just say, Oh my gosh I spilled water all over. I'm so embarrassed....Anyway, the worst is over, now we know how to deal and it wasn't as bad as we thought.
Yukon steve
Mar 18, 2012 10:26 pm
I had the same problems but they were mainly caused by my dog biting it or tearing it right off Lukly one of our local nurses was his dogsitter and she thought it was funny till one day he pullled it off in her house. and shook it
Mar 19, 2012 7:50 am
i always have a small bag it has about 3 or 4 bags as never know when i will leak
Past Member
Mar 19, 2012 3:40 pm
I had a very funny (in hindsight) incident with my urostomy starting a leak. Hubster wand I were on our way to a fine dining eatery where we had reservations and I was NOT!!! going to miss that as it is a rare treat for us. The thing is, the place is a bit hard to find, so my job was to be navigator - calling out directions to my husband as he drove.Ok, so here comes the leak. I didn't have another flange with me AND no real way to change out things in a moving car anyway. Hubster had his handy roll of duct tape in the car, so I am trying to tape things up, call out directions, keep the leaking in check with whatever fast food restaurant napkins are on the seat someplace and CUSSING LIKE MAD!Well, the duct tape repair held through diner, which we were only slightly late for owing to a wrong turn. We decided that the wrong turn was my fault as my poor husband was looking to take the next left on Oh F***! street!Yes, I keep supplies with me now.
Mar 22, 2012 12:39 am
I know now why I love you guys! I've been in some pretty crappy (lol) situations myself being a 'bag lady' for 42 yrs!Hey, here's one right off the top of my head: you can't cry over spilled poop so just go with the FLOW!!!!!!!!
Mar 22, 2012 10:34 pm
Yep i think we all have had mishaps but some time on yer goota laugh ...if not you never stop cryin ...I do keep as well empty coffee containers with lids if the ileo decides to do to much crapola or gas i just grab the ole paper cups and either if i need to get outa car and just empty put lid on throw in bin or if near loo do the same ..Either way we all learn always some storys hey !!! good to get advise too i like having those spare cups some peeps are like u going to party bringing your own throw aways cups , i just say no in casee i need to empty straight away xx :) mooza
Mar 25, 2012 6:12 pm
The first time I had an accident I was in the car with my daughters. I was driving when the seal let go I didn't quite know what to do!! My daughter opened the glove box started handing me napkins from various fast food establishments to keep it from running everywhere. When we got home I RAN into the house to get the poo clothes off the sweetheart started cleaning up my car. I don't know what I would have done without her!!
Apr 26, 2012 1:32 am
My advise...Keep it empty. Just carry a few ziplock freezer bags and some handywipes packets with you. When you detect that your bag has anything in it...go to the your ziplock bag, open the bottom of your colostomy bag. squeezing it untill you guide into the ziplock bag...then grasp the top of the ziploc bag with the colostomy bag inside and squeeze down letting the emptying colostomy bag slide out, squeezing all the poo into the bag. Then put the bag aside where it cant spill, wipe the end of your colostomy bag with a wipe, and reseal it. put the wipe in the ziplock seal and dispose. WaLaa DONE Sounds complicated but I can do this in 1 minute.