
May 15, 2012 7:18 pm
slept until 0300hrs , because my DSW puts me to bed each night at 1830hrs and i look a bit TV or wait for bubbles to get active , but all was quiet last night . That means plenty preparation today to avoid a blockade , must not wait longer then 48hrs to get my colostomy pouch changed . When you wheelchair dependent your body is slack and needs daily stimulation and laxatives . would love to find someone in similar position to share life events . looking forward to go to the cinemas and see a movie which makes me laugh and relaxed .bummer that no one is around to enjoy it with me . will check online later this morning what's playing , feel romantic at heart today . just watched GMA and now it's GMAUSTRALIA.. will have some fruits for breakfast and small thermos of coffee , which gets prepared each evening for me . my life is pretty organized by DSW ( disability support worker ) hopefully if i'm lucky may meet someone interested here onetime who looks past all my short comings . to my melbourne ostomates a good morning and all your over the miles a good sleep or late afternoon what ever applies .
May 23, 2012 1:47 pm
Whats this 24 hour clock deal Schnecker ?? Where you in the army or what 1800 hrs , yes im too lazy to count 6pm ?? cheers ...Getting cold here in Melbourne i dont like winter it a mood change for me brr brr brrrr :
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May 23, 2012 4:26 pm
well don't like winter much either , but can't you put the heather on ? if you have to get outside put the winter wollies on . just for you mooza it is now 245am and no army but grown up in convent. haha !!! must say love your dry humour ....you are invited to join me in my warm comfy until . Anyhow it's Schnecke means snail in German . My ex boyfriend calls me that . because I'm so slow . by the way the 24hour times are here to stay . Hope you are nicely warm under your blankets tonight , because yesterday night Arthur my SPC soaked my cosy bed bed completely ..;what a mess ! thanks God for the DSWs the ones which made all anew . sweet dreams until we share again xx
May 23, 2012 5:12 pm
sorry i meant Unit to join me.
May 23, 2012 11:05 pm
Oh so your from Germany ??? how long you been in Australia ?? shnell shnell ve is daaa hound LOL

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May 24, 2012 9:58 am
darling i am 42 years here and be a dinky aussie by now . Bubbles is keeping me busy tonight had already 2 changes . lol honey bun for now keep up your cheese comments . ninety night xxxooo
May 24, 2012 10:24 pm
oh real dinky di aussie you are ..Cheesy comments ?? LOL . MATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE hahahah have you thought about changing your osty appliances ???? Not good bubles having those tantrums now!! :D+
May 26, 2012 1:18 am
Have changed many time the appliances, but have just use of the left hand and it's difficult , but never complicated , thanks Mate... lol
May 28, 2012 9:28 am
hahaha its sorry you have to deal with all your probs sucks hey !!! My problem is typing cause i actually speak pretty fast and try to keep up with what im thinking people get confused maybe they should read there replys coz i picked up on some weird words myself ..Oh im just saying was reading some junk from another page that i will not go back too .......just saying matey :D Im glad your getting help though dam its enough with two hands i feel for ya darlz ...Hoping you are having a great day anyway .......
May 28, 2012 9:28 am
Oh btw can they irrigate your ostomy ? that might benefit you big time i know a few ladies and gents who irrigate and they dont have as much to worry about hmm just a thought or you been there done that ..And yes i have the heater on just like to see the sun out esp in the mornings makes me feel sunny and happy love to jump outa bed and go outside NO SHOES ...... sorry all i know bout SPC is the tinned spagetti for hungry little human beings :) take care sweet lady :D ...
Jun 04, 2012 4:07 am
Hi Mooza I like to explain to you what SPC stands for ; forget the apples and apricots me dear.. it goes this way SUPRA PUBIC CATHETER !!! Haha lol
Jun 04, 2012 4:12 am
never eat spagetti from SPC in the tin, only used their fruits. How r u today or any ones past ? hope life treats you well Smile you on candid Camerawill wright another forun or blog really don't know what is much of a muchness ? do u ? plz plz tell me.
Jun 04, 2012 4:12 am
wished my typing would be better , to many fingers sliding along at the same time and all looks pretty bad ones one press submit
Jun 04, 2012 6:23 am
to your ? if I can irrigate..don't think so, because need a nurse to help or get admitted to hospital. In the moment bubbles behaves reasonable. Get an output every 2nd or 3rd night, but must take movicol twice a day plus lactalose and pear juice concentrate.- lol Babe xo
Jun 05, 2012 2:22 pm
Oh i see ! you cant irrigate thats a real buggar hey !!! Not sure i have heard of those tables darls ,:) and no i havnt has a food day :( my dog and i decided to both walk into the kitchen but he was in another lounge room i thought my neice put him out but noooo so now im 3 months Post op from hernai reapirs i fell right over him UGHHH i have been in pain for 2 weeks i think i have torn somthing also my Abdoamen is worse than a melways :((((( Im off to Cabrini for Ultra scan or wateva thats called too bad the ONLY one who operates on me decided to leave cold Melbourne behind and is in new York and then Europe for 3 MONTGHS UGHHHH i cant get a break here bloody dog is stayin out all nighgt now i have done somthing to my 2 hernia repairs doesnt feel normal at all its burning to the point of cramping ok its 12 30 am here lol XX CHOW 4 NOW SHNELLLLLLLLLL XX BTW we do have a heater too LOL thanks Mooza xx
Jun 07, 2012 9:21 am
hi honey,aways smile and laugh when i get a reply from you , though your tummy gives you heaps of grief . wished that i could make it better ; your life has so many stones to roll away . Stupid hernia ...hope their fix you good n proper after the ULTRA SOUND ! keep in touch much love n hugs, hopefully the pain will get better . xxoo cheers