Rectum removal

May 28, 2012 2:46 pm
I am new to this forum , but i was wandering if most of the people that talk about the rectum removal had it done for the reason of feeling the need for a bm and pressure in the lower area , it affects my walking and i find i have to sleep half sitting because of pressure .

I have a colostomy  but still have my anus .

I have had colostomy 16 months and still get bad bm turns .
ron in mich
May 28, 2012 4:34 pm
hi grommit i think most people who have their rectum removed is due to the fact that they are likely to get cancer in that area. i had mine removed the same time i got my ileo. i,m sure your doctor can give you more info. when you do your followup visits.  ron in mich.
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May 29, 2012 2:58 am
My Rectum got left in for nearly 6 yrs even thought i knew I never would be re-connected (wont go in to the story why) and its became such a nuisance

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The Bowel naturally produces a mucus to cleanse its self -but when you having bowel movements you just dont see it. So id your anus and rectal stump are left behind and unused, along with the Phantom urges to go to the bathroom the old way -you will eventually begin passing mucus and the fact that that area is not being used it is prone for infection -which will cause discomfort and an increased output of mucus :p -I know cause i had it once or twice a year -requiring antibiotics to clear up. Then as the previous comment-er stated leaving the rectum in means it still possible to have UC or crohns in that area - so its best to have it removed for those two reasons
May 31, 2012 4:06 am
Hi I had a perm colostomy 4 years ago.  7 months ago started getting continual infections in remaining rectal stump.  The discharge is horrid although unlike some I can control it so don't have leakage.    If it is clear then it's normal apparently but mine is like a very bad sinus infection and bloody.  It stinks too! I have been told that my ulcerative colitis has returned in that area and that I should have the rectum removed.  It is terrifying me as I understand it is a horrendous op.
Past Member
Jun 03, 2012 4:34 am
I had my ileostomy in August 2011 but a stump and my anus were left behind. I was told it would heal up and except for the occasional mucus discharge it would be fine. Instead my UC flared up in the stump and rectum really bad. So much that I finally had it removed just under four weeks ago. Given I was otherwise much healthier than when I had my ileostomy surgery (I had lost 60lbs prior to that), the surgery really wasn't that bad and my recovery has gone well. A few hiccups but I was up and walking within a few days after the surgery. It hasn't been horrendous at all, it's actually a relief as I was discharging blood and mucus three or four times a day prior to the surgery.

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Past Member
Jun 03, 2012 9:59 am
I had my ileostomy on the 4th August 2006 the stump, anus was left as my op was an emergency, but my UC was very bad in the stump I would wake up soaked from leakage, so ask my gastro doc to remove it, nearly 2yrs later on 18th july 2008, Im UC free and had my second baby in 2010, life could'nt be better.
Jun 04, 2012 1:23 am
Mine has been gone for 3yrs and I still have the urge to scratch my itchy anus.  LOL  in the shower I turn around to spread my cheeks and wash there, and am suprised that there Is No There LOL  Look at good side, noooo Skid Marks!!!
Jun 04, 2012 5:13 am

and I love being able to say when someone breaks wind:  "well you KNOW i didnt do it!" LOL  

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Jun 12, 2012 2:04 am
Yeah, and if they keep farting in front of you, we can ALWAYS return the favor by burping our bag.  Farts to the 100X power