Irish support meeting

Jun 26, 2012 11:21 pm
Hi, Just want to let the Irish members know that there is a support coffee morning on in Morans Red Cow Inn, Red Cow Roundabout, Dublin, on Saturday the 30th june from 10.30 to 12.30am .I had a letter from Tallaght Hosp to tell me about the meeting. There is very little support for ostomates in Ireland so I hope people see this and attend. I tried to put it on the classified adds but cudnt so I hope to meet a few member there,Sinead

Jun 27, 2012 12:06 am
There is a new Lady On O-Land, My Main Support group from Ireland, that is really struggling with her new Life with her Ostomy and we're all trying to do all we can to lifr her spirts. -I'll have to PM her and see if she's close to Dubim = )
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Jun 27, 2012 12:12 am
hi I know the feeling ,im struggling with both my ostomys and wud love to get to know people in ireland for support.I live in Dublin so maybe you could put us in touch,thank you , sinead
Jun 27, 2012 12:16 am
if you looking more for support for you medical issues I suggest going over to ostomyland -the Guy who started the group over 10 yrs ago is from Britain so a large % of the members are from the UK -and I knwo their are a good number from Ireland. a majoity of the people on here are first and formost looking to meet singles being its run like a Dating site, so even though you can get some good advice and support here you can get better support other places and not have to deal with guys who are more interested in chatting with single ladies than being supportive
Past Member
Jun 27, 2012 8:04 am
If you google group it's a UK ostomy support group it's been going for over 50 years, you can email or call there head office, they have trained ostomy visitors that they can put you in touch with, I'm sure they will have someone near you

Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Jun 27, 2012 3:28 pm
thanks for the tip, I just had a look at the letter sent to me by the hosp about the coffee morning and it is the IA support group who are organised the meeting on Saturday. Its a relief to know that there will be people to talk to and relate with. Hopefully I can begin to open up to people again.Any support anyone can give will be gladly accepted. thanks again for the reply ,Sinead
Jun 27, 2012 6:05 pm
I received my ostyomy over 16 yrs ago -and the internet was very new and home computers were not yet affordable for all households, so I went nearly 5 yrs with only my parents and nurse for support. so when I was able to finally get on the internet and found the quickly growing network of support sites for ostomy and IBD it totally changed my life and gave me hope once again. You cant get any better support than from others who have have dealt with or are dealing with all the same things you are :)
Jul 02, 2012 11:36 am
Actually i think this is a meet an ostomy dating site -but to be honest i have made friends and not meeting too many creeps either i would suggest meeting on that site u were givin though cheers Our Local Hospitals in Australia have Local groups maybe your hospital could help ,xx just a thought :)
Jul 07, 2012 12:25 am
Hi Sinead, I really didn't know you had so little support across there in Dublin. Here in Sligo, we have a wonderful network and a monthly meeting along with days out. Having this site has been wonderful for me and I really don't know how I would have been otherwise. I've had wonderful support here. Don't be afraid to join in any of the topics. Take good care, Colm
Jul 07, 2012 6:41 pm
thanks a million colm , yeah I havnt heard of any support groups here in dublin accept the coffee morning held last sat in the red cow and I was to sick to go.Would be nice to talk to people in the same position as us here in dublin. Sinead
Jul 08, 2012 7:57 am
Gosh that was bad luck not being well on the day of the meeting! I'll enquire if anyone at my local meetings knows of any in Dublin. Take good care, Colm
Dec 04, 2012 11:35 pm
Hi Colm,Thanks, that would be great. Iv been in and out of hosp with an obstuction and now have kidney problems . How have you been. lv Sinead