A little bit of rambling

Nov 03, 2012 12:01 am
On August 16ththis year I went to bed after just another day and expected to wake up and have just another day but it wasn’t meant to be. Woke up and felt absolutely fine and within an hour, was fighting for my life after my bowel perforated due to diverticulitis and left us dealing with peritonitis. I didn’t know any of this until I woke up in intensive care a week later. I was one of the lucky ones. My first memory of waking up was someone telling me I had a ‘bag’ fitted. I remember someone else making comment that I was taking it extremely well. Little did they know I was simply in shock and had no idea what to think let alone what to say. I still have those odd moments and occasionally days of shock but I simply remember, I am one of the lucky ones.

Today was one of those days. A little bit of a sad "what was" day but this evening, after reading some of the posts and some of the forums online, life is ok again. I’m not alone, I’m ok. Hope you’re all having an ok day and evening. Hope you're ok. Take care.

Nov 03, 2012 6:59 am
Geographia, yes, you are lucky to have survived and to live. I hope you find ostomates as supportive and comforting as I do. If you need anything or any tips, this is the place to go. Ostomysecrets.com is great if you need clothing to fit around your ostomy, and I use Edgepark as the go-between for discount and free samples of all of my ostomy supplies. So far, I'm most pleased with the coloplast pouches. I can't handle a two-piece yet since my stoma is still being a jerk and shrinking, but I hear the convatec ones are great.
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Nov 03, 2012 7:22 pm
Hello geographia. Thank you for your post. I too enjoy reading about other people's thoughts and feelings regarding their experiences. whilst I am by no means alone in life (sometimes I wish I had more solitude)In this particular aspect of my life it is only on this site that I find people who truly understand and are willing to discuss thr issues involved.Best wishes Bill
Nov 03, 2012 9:50 pm
Simiberry, Bill. Thank you so much for your comments. You are so right. It feels so comforting knowing that i'm definitely not alone and that I can log onto this site and feel 'normal' again. Take care.
Nov 04, 2012 12:34 pm
Hi there, my situation was quite similar to yours. Had symptoms for a while but one day had very bad pain, ended up in hospital with perforated bowel and had to have emergency op. I vaguely remember before they opersted being told i would probably have to have a ostomy and signing the consent form but i had so much morphine in me for the pain i didnt kow what i was signing to be honest! Ha ha Dont worry about having the down days, we all get the odd ones. JUst stay at home in a comfy dressing gown with some chocolate an crap tv and youll get through it! Sounds like your coping on through pretty well so well done! If you ever look at your ostomy and think that you hate it (because lets face it, it is pretty ugly!) just remember that the little thing saved your life, thats how i like to see it sometimes x

Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Nov 11, 2012 10:25 am
This is the first time I actually submitted a comment. I was diverted in 2007 and experienced two years of solitude and finally began to accept that I will never get reversed and 8 months ago my colon, rectum and anus was removed. I'm finally starting to think I'm a productive member of society. Although I'm having to learn how to live actively with an ileostomy because I'm experiencing serious blockage, pain below my stoma and severe dehydration. So needless to say I've been spending alot of time in bed. Any advice on how I can prepare to live actively. i begin to feel that I can never have back the life I once had before the surgery.Debra
Nov 11, 2012 11:44 am
Oh matey im so sorry to hear your pain ...Im struggling too right now and its getting worse than i thought have had blockages once hospitalized and phw things are not ok with me right now ...Mooza Australia ..xxx please take it easy matey xxxxxxxx
Nov 13, 2012 11:55 pm
I'm genuinely sorry to hear that you're both struggling so much. I am absolutely petrified of getting a blockage. I'm praying it gets sorted for you both. My stoma has totally retracted and the hole in my stomach is almost closed so I am seeing hospital consultant tomorrow to see what we can do about it before it's totally closed. Please take care. Best wishes xxxxxxx