First night at a friends

Nov 08, 2012 10:54 am
So i went to stay at a mates house last night. I was absolutely terrified i was gonna leak on his bed! Although i took a cover to put over the matress, it still would have been on his sheets. And this friend is an eccentric, not someone im comfortable telling everything even though hes studying medicine at university! BUT it was fine! No leaks at all :) I was very pleased! I had staye at my aunts last week so had stayed away with my bag before but when its family it doesnt matter so much if you leak, or atleast thats how i feel!

The whole thing has made me feel better about things, i know i have the odd leaks sometimes at home and i hate that! But its part of the whole thing i suppose.

Having a positive today! and i hope all you guys are too! Remember you can make it through, no matter what happens!!!! :D

Sophie x

Past Member
Nov 08, 2012 1:56 pm
Hi sophie thats great that you took the confidence to stay at your friends place. I also ues a sheet well its a baby sheet, the ones you ues in a baby cots there farely big to cover, in fact i double mine and it does the job in protecting and its small enough to pack in a case.Ive traveld and took it away with me abroad,and all has been fine. I think your going the right way taking plunges, as some people haveing had ileo not for long wont even attempt to try and stay out there own homes.. By doing this you have broken the barrier,and it gives you more confidence to do more things like holidays and travel.. Well done girl. We all have our leake some time in our lives but the main thing is not to let it get in the way of living and enjoying life.Good luck with the future. tc ambies..
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Nov 09, 2012 6:59 am
As time passes, Sophie, fear of leaking will become less and less an issue for several reasons. In my situation, I used a good quality hospital chuck as a security blanket. I conditioned myself to sleep on my back or left side only. And I stop eating at a certain hour which will reduce my output at times when I might be tossing and turning trying to fall asleep. Ambies is right. Make sure you live well and enjoy life. When nothing is ventured, nothing is gained. PB
Past Member
Nov 10, 2012 6:21 pm
Excellent stuff - I always worry about leaking, though have become a little bit more thick skinned. I find hat Trio Diamonds are good. If you have not come across them they are a little sachet you pop in the bag. They absorb and firm things up and have charcoal to reduce odour when emptying. I find that with these, if (ok, when) I get a leak, I notice it before it has got onto the sheets. Available on prescription. The only thing I find they don't work with is red wine, which I now avoid or severely limit as it does seem to be good at causing the adhesive to fail.
Nov 10, 2012 8:25 pm
Thanks for all the comments. I do worry alot less about leakage now but its still in the back of my mind and the first thing i think of when i wake up.Ambies, im not sure im quite ready for travelling too far yet and havent stayed away from mine for more then a night.Primeboy, whilst i know stopping eating at a certain time would be useful i just cant seem to do it! I lost a couple of stone while in hospital so i need to put the weight back on and now i feel better im enjoying eating! Kevin, i may have to look into the trio diamonds, they seem like a good idea. When i do leak it varies as to wether it goes on the bed or not, depends how quick i catch it! Ha ha And i dont hbave to worry about red wine because i dont drink it! Sophie x

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Nov 28, 2012 2:40 pm
Sphie, I dated someone a few years back, I had just had my stoma and wasn't really accoustomed to it. I had to use the bathroom, emptied my back and jumped back into bed. I let my head on my boyfriend and fell asleep. I suddenly felt him patting me on my back, I looked and him and he pointed on his belly. Gosh I forgot to attach my Luckily my stoma wasn't too active, just liquid. I ran out of the room so embarassed and stayed in the bathroom. I remember yelling I SO SORRY. I refused to open the He was very nice about, he just keep on calling my name....saying its okay....I laugh when I recollect, its really not such a big deal when someone really cares for you. In the beginning I couldn't tell him about my bag. I found an easier way to share the stome. I played the DVD I got from the hospital. Its self explanatory and it really helps. Good luck my friends.
Nov 28, 2012 2:40 pm
Sorry for the...I let my head.....I met I lay.
Dec 13, 2012 2:10 pm
Nana1969, thanks for sharing that story and also for giving another idea on how to introduce our situation.
Dec 29, 2012 4:51 pm
You are welcome.