worried about big poo in the bag

May 08, 2013 9:46 am
Hi my name is neil I do really big poos I am concerned it will not fit in the bag or is it smaller and less out the some if any one can help on the topicwould be great

Past Member
May 08, 2013 9:14 pm
Hey Neil without this sounding too yukky,your poo doesn't form in the same way. It has more of a porrage consistency, remember the hole it's gonna squeeze thru is a lot smaller than your bum hole. You can get maxi size bags if ur a big eater mini bags for say, if ur gonna go swimming or the likes. I usually empty my bags about 4-5 times a day, change it 1st thing in morning last thing at night. hope this helps.xc
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May 08, 2013 9:39 pm
Many thanks that has put my mind at rest many thanks fot you words of wisdom hope we can talk again
Past Member
May 08, 2013 9:46 pm
No probs. 1st time I've been on this site. Not used to talking about things like this to people. Usually put on a sellotape smile. My mobility improved after op. Good luck.xc
May 08, 2013 10:13 pm
Wish u had a profile I have only been a member a few days I would love to get to know you better

Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

May 08, 2013 10:13 pm
We can talk about anything you want when ever you want I will be hear for you
Past Member
May 09, 2013 8:52 am
Aw that is so nice. I tried to add profile about 3 times. Think it's finally worked.Catch u later.xc
May 09, 2013 8:58 am
Its worked wow u r hot how r u doing and r the children ok
Past Member
May 09, 2013 9:07 am
Away ye go.Yep we're all fine thanks. I spend most days as a taxi service for my kids. I've got a wee grandson. He's 3 I take him to nursery in the morns. Not much of an exiting life but hey I wouldn't change it for the world. Was in Turkey last month, my favourite holiday place plan to go back in September if I save up. Have they told you what type of operation you will need yet. Trust me as horrible as it seems, anythings better than being stuck in the loo all day or being caught short in a crowded place. You get a bit of control back in your life. Any question, no matter how horrible it may sound, just ask cos I'm sure if I've not been thru it one of these lovely people on this site will have been. I wasn't able to ask about anything before my op cos it was done quickly so I've had t learn it all using the internet. Although I love my family, they really don't want to discuss my toilet needs with me nor I with them.xc
May 09, 2013 9:22 am
Hi he said a permanent colostomy should be in june some time as I have to wait 6 weeks between aesthetics as had rest of my adenoids removed and my turbines trimmed by a quarter and lining cleaned up
May 09, 2013 9:30 am
Hi Neil welcome to the site you will find good people here with lots of very good advice. Bet your a worried about what's going to happen. I had my permanent colostomy Nov 10, and its been a strange journey but have had good help from the site and learnt a lot. Don't forget you should have a 'specialist' ostomy nurse who will guide you through the whole thing and be on hand when you need her or him. As regards to your worry of big poo's, as weeingy said it doesn't work like that. Best advice is to eat little amounts and often, watch the portion sizes, plenty of fluid is very important and also chew your food a lot and eat slowly. Keep away from food that causes gas as this can cause some amazing effects. I keep off fizzy drinks too. Its a slow learning curve but you will find out what's good for you as everyone is different. Good luck Trudel
May 09, 2013 9:56 am
Many thanks for the great advice I feel more better about it as there are great advice and great people to talk to and for support all the way as people havehad different experience in all manner I greatful this site is hear I have learned more in hear than anyone has told me
Past Member
May 09, 2013 11:19 am
What's your turbines. Got visions of a giant windmill sticking out your belly button.lol.xc
May 09, 2013 11:24 am
They are in your nosehttp://m.hopkinsmedicine.org/sinus/surgical_procedures/turbinate_reduction.htmlThis link will help u understand nothing to do with by belly lolif I had the government would what to have it
Past Member
May 09, 2013 11:36 am
See every days a school day. It's good to learn. cheers for that.xc
May 09, 2013 11:48 am
U r welcome I love to find out something new
May 22, 2013 2:19 am
My son is 9,and poo is a great talking point in our house because he has never used the toilet or farted. At 2mths he was constipated tbey said he was lazy, we changed formula 7 diff timez.specialist wouldnt listen. So at 4mths and I was fed up. I gave him a bottle of prune juice and nothing came out. At 5 ytz yhey started
May 22, 2013 2:19 am
5yrs they started to listen,did a biopsy and he has no nerves in large intestine.so they put in a colostomy but it didn't work. So 6mths later they did an illeostomy.the poo is or was runny and but he had diff size poo. To b continued
May 22, 2013 7:12 am
Hi im happy that there is something is working for him its easy from the start as its normal to them hope he gets on with it
May 27, 2013 9:08 am
Hi shek 74,I thought I would txt u and say our griffin is a huge eater,he can eat a whole meal and then goes for four wheat biscuits after tea,,haha,by the time we r ready 4 bed,his bag of full. It sometimes is lumpy and sometimes really runny depending on wat he eats,we hve notiv ced tho that white bread with peanut and a banana in a sandwhich,,,gives him energy quiet quick,since the ileostomty he has put on weight,has grown really tall,,now the tallest in the whole school of 100,he is slowly becoming inderpendent,,less time of bag coming off,we found this tape tht is like strapping tape but (its stretchy and goes around the outside of wafer,,,and his bag has stayed on for 3 days now,,,,,,its wonderful!!!!!!depends what u eat how much and big the motions,,,,griff big for 9,,,,,,so motion sometimes has blown off In his sleep,,,thts interesting,lol,,,,,,,,ileostomy has been 4 yrs now,,,,awsome!!!!!
May 27, 2013 9:08 am
He is 9.Weight is:46kgHEIGHT:150cmHe a big boy and is a front row prop, playing tackle rugby!
May 27, 2013 10:08 am
Thanks for the info