Sep 19, 2013 6:34 am
As I'm writing this blog I can barely keep the tears from falling...I wanted to share my Blessing and share with those who feel that hope is gone...I had close to thirteen surgeries, treatmentsandrectal surgerythat ended with Tony(my illo) and Iescape death several timesthroughout my life . I'm a single parent of a wonderful son whom is graduating this yearlooking at great colleges (with many blessings behind that) I can share at this time, is that he is a great student and a awesome football player. The world is at my door steps, and I'm currently financially struggling..Amen. I just want to share my blessing with those who lost or losing hope within this have to keep your faith and get up and fight hard each day...I made it!!! I made it!!!!I fought so hard to get here... God know'sI have... I never thought I would see this dayI THANK GOD FOR GIVING ME A SECOND CHANCE AT LIFE...I MADE IT MY SON IS GRADUATING FROM HIGH SCHOOL...just sitting here reflecting on all my trials and tribulations that we have went through...because for a child heis allI have..YES I still have my bad days but I make sure my good one's out weight them now...YES I still get dehydrated but I got pedialyte and ensure clear(peach) my favorite for that now, Yeah Ileaks butI got tape orI change my bag and keep it moving now... there's no stopping me now I got a second chance to live life and I'm going to live it tothe fullest.. I'm not locked in the house anymore, I'm going to his games for the first in years(he's showing off for he's been playing since seven years old...(and I didn't make it to a lot of them due to health issues) I don't take my health as a hinder any more, it became a blessing throughout my journey. It strengthen meas a parent, it increased my spiritual principles and gave me the ability to gain the knowledge to increase my life developmental skills around my health....I'm living up to my name BEAUTIFULLY BLESSED INSIDE/ me it get's better. KEEP HOPE ALIVE...AND YOUR BLESSING WILL COME....GOD BLESS.

Sep 19, 2013 6:44 am
Hello beautifully blessed - as by the sound of your post you surely are. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts in this way. This type od reflection will undoubtedly be of help to those who have recently acquired an ostomy and are going through those difficulties of which you reminisce. However, it is also useful to those of us who have moved on and are getting on with our lives in a similar fashion to that described by you. It's satisfying to read that there are others out there who have been through similar experiences and are not only surviving but blossoming in new and exciting ways. Best wishes Bill
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Sep 25, 2013 12:03 am
Sep 25, 2013 5:35 am
Thanks you guys and I just want everyone to know that there is hope just keep the faith and this too shall past...I'm sooo excited and amazed by looking at how far I've come...I couldn't of did it without all the love and support from everyone who reaches out on this site and I try to reach out and let others know... that It gets better...Much Blessings Fam and I love you guys to pieces...
Sep 25, 2013 9:51 am
Amen. I hear you God blesses when he blesses. I also had multiple surgeries over 40. I have chemo every couple of months and my youngest child became an adult way too early. However all the way I have had the odd pity party (5 minutes allowed only) then I realised that God had blessed me, I have two hard working sons. Two beautiful daughter in laws, two beautiful grand daughters and another due in February. So I gave up my self pity and now every day I wake my first thing is to thank God for blessing me with another day, and to see my grand children and God willing the next one well I never expected it to eventuate. So sister may God continue to pour out his blessings upon you and may you have a long and happy life. Enjoy every moment and be content where you are in life and you will continue to be blessed.

Getting Support in the Ostomy Community with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Past Member
Sep 25, 2013 2:23 pm
You truly are blessed and have such a wonderful and positive outlook on what is a very difficult life we live! Wishing you the best and I can only hope one day I will be blessed to have a child too. For now it is just my doggie babies since I cannot have children without assistance which does not help feeling like I just have one more reason to be sad.
Sep 25, 2013 11:12 pm
Don't be sad God gives to those who ask we don't always understand but through all my difficulties I found a blessing. Who knows you may meet an ileostomy partner who would like to be a father or become an adoptive/foster parent.I wish you many blessings and lots of joy even if its your doggies.
Nov 13, 2013 1:21 am
thanks...Lorraine for the great words of wisdom...congrats. on all ur blessings and the love that pours out in ur fam. your a great inspiration as well. well done...
Nov 27, 2013 7:20 am
Just thought I'd let you know, I had my ileostomy done early August and i haven't been able to eat solid food. I saw my surgeon Friday and have had to have it all done again! I'm recovering after my surgery on Tuesday this week. It's quite painful at the moment but rather than fussing i just want to get home to recover and I can take what I want as I need it there.So to summarise I'm still here so I must have something God wants me to do or learn. Lovely to talk, thanks for listening :)
Nov 27, 2013 5:38 pm
Lorraine, good luck with your recovery. Can you tell us why it was necessary to have the surgery done a second time. Was this because the first surgery was not done correctly or because some unexpected complications developed? PB
Nov 28, 2013 6:33 am
Primeboy thank you for caring. My first ileostomy was end July beginning of August due to ischemic and blocked bowel from cancer. I was going very well but I seemed to grow overnight a lump as big as a melon. My surgeon took one look and operated quickly as I had metastasised and blocked my stoma. Looking on the bright side if it happened in a different position I wouldn't have noticed, so please if you have an episode like that get it attended too. I will continue with the chemo and i don't doubt that I will make a full recovery. Thank you for caring xx
Nov 28, 2013 6:33 am
Ps I am still in hospital in Brisbane but hoping to go home Friday pm.