disaster and it had to happen away from home

Apr 11, 2014 12:39 pm
Well I'm 5wks post op from my ileostomy and thought I'd nip into the office at work. I've had a week from hell as all around my stoma has become sore, bleeding and irritated from my stool so wasn't a great start. So I put on my brave face and went into work just to get few things I needed to continue working from home. My boss was chatting to me and we was having a brew as he is the only 1 who knows the full story, and confident me said yeah things are OK n I'm getting there wen disaster struck! First time ever I've had an appliance malfunction and with my output being watery boom!! It leaked and leaked fast. I was devastated and just grabbed my keys and said I have to go and fled. How can I go back work n face them all

Will I ever get it right and be normal

Apr 11, 2014 2:37 pm
So sorry this happen to you. I had the same issue 3-4 weeks after my surgery wen I went back to work. I only had 40 hours left of FMLA. I decided to file for intermittent FMLA that way I can use an hour here and there. I suggest you take a day or two off from work and clean your skin around your stoma well. then apply organic honey. stay in bed with No Bag. Collect with paper towel the waist and dispose in the trash. Have some banana and peanut butter, rice and boiled veggies. If the output is consistent is easy to be collected with the paper towel. When you put your bag back for the night sleep make sure you apply the powder fructose around the stoma and place your stoma seal rings as close to your stoma as possible and use a worm damp towel to press and make sure it seals the skin around itClean again in the morning and apply honey again and let it open w/ no bag. What you eat (the acidity) and how you install the bag are the most important issues you need to pay attention to. I use 2 piece tupperware that way I can see the seal around my stoma.Good luck to you. You made a BIG decision to have this surgery done. You are active and motivated. I am sure you will overcome any issue in your life related to this stoma.
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Apr 11, 2014 3:41 pm
Many thxs for your message and tips (honey etc)I've been given another week from work to get myself sorted so will try wot u have said and hopefully see some improvement, to b without the bag would b gr8 even for a little while but my output is so watery I'm trying to get that thicker so its like as vicious circle ???? but will defo try
Apr 12, 2014 1:56 am
Hi taz. Here in Canada we have gels and tablets to thicken our output. Do you have anything like that where you are? Just wanted to let u know that. Things have to start to get better. Please take care and we can chat soon if you want. Pammer
Apr 12, 2014 4:48 pm
There are 2 more things I forgot to mention:1) if you use moisturizing soap or shower gel make sure you clean the skin area JUST BEFORE where you place the seal and the patch, with the small alcohol cleaning pads. If there is any residue from the oils in the soap on your skin, your seal WILL LEAK.2) try to use solid honey that is like peanut butter it is easier to apply and mold.And I have a question. Have you changed your diet before this out pour of watery waist happen?

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Apr 12, 2014 7:48 pm
buy SMELLEZE on here just type that in I too have an elieostomy and suffered terribly with leaks until I found this stuff its great
Apr 13, 2014 8:32 pm
Vasile, no my diet is the same its awkward as I'm veggie but nothing different. Thxs pammer, I ended up in hospital over night for fluids (dehydrated) but now have tablets to thicken my output and to try n slow my gut and I go back to my surgeon in 2 wks.
Apr 15, 2014 3:16 am
I am very sorry to hear this . I hope you will recover soon. Just let us know what was the issue if you find out. Take good care of yourself and I hope to chat you about fun things.
Apr 16, 2014 11:55 pm
I had problems with leaks when I first got my Ileo as well. I kept the stomahesive powder under my wafer and would use the blow dryer to make sure I get a good seal. But, it would still leak on and off. It went on like that for about 6 months. But now, I don't get leaks. I don't know, maybe the skin got used to the wafer. Maybe I was producing too much oil in my skin. I just don't know but it stopped. Hang in there though. It gets better, and always remember that your stoma saved your life (nod)It's an inconvenient little cuss, but I'm alive
Apr 26, 2014 2:56 am
Hi TAZ IM TEN AND I WAS OUT PLAYING A THE PARK WHEN MINE WAS WATERY AND IT EXPLODED EVERY WHERE!!! MY MUM THE QUICK THINKER GRABBED A GLOVE AND STUCK IT OVER MY STOMA AND TIED IT ON WITH PAPER TAPE,,,LOL FUNNY NOW BUT NOT THEN,!!!things to thicken my watery poo were# marshmallows,mum writing now ok#medicine called LOPERAMIDE HYDROCHLORIDE USP 2MG#when they say drink 2000mls, don't drink just water because it becomes like a flush and u get a gush straight away afterwards, #try milk drinks, electrolytes has lots of sodium to counter the out put!# ENSURE IS LIKE AN EXTRA MILK DRINK FOOD YOU CAN GET( complain,ensure, # you are surprised to have a teaspoon of salt a day for the fast out put of an ileostomy!#do not leave your stoma uncovered as we did thinking it was good when burnt because it has so much acid that burn under the stoma( the piece we can't see on the out side under flaps of it!#use powder that stoma nurse can give you or rings and cover the burnt piece over top with ring then apply a warm to hotish bag this will then stick,,when we had trouble with griffins bags sticking we warmed them under a hot water bottle so when he was ready to get out of the shower it was ready to go and preheated works wonders!!##IF U ARE WONDERING Y SO MUCH INFO WE HAVE HAD THIS FOR THE LAST 5 YEARS!!! WE ARE NEARLY PROS AT IT NOW!# I don't want to be rude honey is good for some but then to shower to take off, it takes the skin with it, so back to square one if you know what I mean!!!##PINEAPPLE IS REAL ACID WORSE THAN ORANGES AS WE HAVE FOUND OUT,,HIS STOMA WAS BURNT SO BAD IT WAS HOSPITAL TIME,,LOOKS LIKE THIRD DEGREE BURNS!!I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT!I HOPE THAT HELPS TAZTAKE CARE AND ANY QUESTIONS JUST ASK!!GRIFFIN LOVES YOUR BIKE MASSIVE FAN!!! LOL##MARSHMELL
Apr 26, 2014 10:17 pm
Hiya, many thxs for the advise dragon and dragons mum I got straight on it and now take loperamide 3 times a day and huge difference. Its still learning stage and traumas that I'm sure I will laff at it eventually I've also changed to the convex appliance and I've a bit more confidence even went out on my toy I mean bike lol, took things easy and loved the feeling of old times
Apr 27, 2014 3:37 am
Oh yea accidents happen!! I know have to LOL because its normal now after 5 years. I will tell you a funny story griffin sometimes sleeps on tummy which stops the poo coming into the bag,then usually his bag comes of or explodes everywhere in the bed, he is a very deep sleeper,,!!Anyway he was in the shower before breakfast, he was about to get out and he SNEEZED AND POO FROM THE STOMA FLU UP MY LEGS AND ALL OVER ME,,,WHAT COULD I DO BUT LAUGH,,THIS IS LIFE THAT ONLY OSTOMATES WOULD UNDERSTAND,,,my thought was at the time thank goodness I wasn't knealing to help put his bag on!!! TAZ THE BEST THING TO WARM THE BAG B4 U GET IN THE SHOWER IS A HOT WATER BOTTLE THEN ITS READY AND STICKY HOT SO DOESNT NEED TO B HELD ON TO MUCH EITHER!!With all the liquid you have try milk, smoothie, electrolytes are the best ok , they have so much sodium with is wat u need for lots of out put!!Cheers julieHOW are you children with the bag???
Apr 27, 2014 10:34 pm
I surprise I can relate to you because you have children too, one other thing I was going to recommend is these rings thatare about the length from index finger to around your thumb and that's the shape to the stick to the outside of the wafer, we call them half moons because of the shape!!!THEY ARE COLOPLAST --ELASTIC TAPE--BRAVA!I WAS WONDERING DO U HAVE TO PAY FOR ALL YOUR APPLIANCES THAT YOU GET???CHEERS JULIE
May 05, 2014 11:46 pm
I know a place that if you do not have health insurance you can get accessories and all types of ostomy supplies for very little money. It's called Osto Group and their web address is www.ostogroup.org or Facebook is https://www.facebook.com/www.ostomysuppliestotheuinsured.org
May 06, 2014 5:13 am
I also use a convex illeo bag, plus spray adheasive, rings and paste. I use stoma powder wen skin is burned or irritated....works in 24 hours. illeos are usually liquid.....iv had mine since 2010...and yes I have leaked wen trying to go back to work.....think about a chick in a skirt, heels/hose and having to walk out in a fur jacket without my pantyhose.....everyone at work (at least the ones that count) knew of my surgery, etc...fell free to ask for more info
May 09, 2014 4:33 pm
Thxs for all the gr8 advise things as re settling down lately and (touch wood) going forward
May 10, 2014 5:00 pm
smelleze is a powder you put in your appliance it is like Metamucil it is made by imtec and as far as im concerned its the b you will get the est thing I have tried if you type in smelleze you will get the website
May 11, 2014 9:47 am
Eat marshmallows, potato, pumpkin, white bread soak up watery poo before it comes out, peanut butter and banana sandwich is a real heavy energy hit for low sugar and sodium around 4 PM everyday! Milk or any thing but water it is runny because u r just pushing the poo thru by drinking water,,,but keep up fluids!!! If more poo is coming out if bag than what u are drinkn then measure this for 3 days...if more poo then water then you need Dr cause that not good okay!!SOMETIMES THINGS LIKE THIS IS NOT TOLD!! GET SPECIAL MEASURE JUG WITH MEASUREMENTS THEN DO A DIARY, IF U R WORRIED!!THIS IS HOW YOU TELL AT THE START OF ILEOSTOMY,,,TO RUNNY FOR BODY OR IS IT THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF EVERYTHING!!!!!! HOPE THIS HELPS,,IM STUCK IN A CHAIR JUST HAD SURGERY ON MY FEETCH EERS JULIE
Sep 25, 2014 4:29 pm
Hi Taz. I just read your post about 'output' and wanted to throw my 'two penneth' in! I have had an ileostomy since 2000 and although had a bit of fiddling with internal pouches and corrective ops (that didnt work!) I am a regular guy with a bag. All things considered, I get on pretty well. Just wanted to mention a couple of point which may help. Fluids are critical to you and need to be kept up. The risk is that by avoiding a big dehydration issue, we think everything is fine when in fact we are probably constantly below par because we arent taking in enough water. I notice this on hot days when I force myself to take electrolytes. All of a sudden I am super human! The difference is amazing, so please make it part of your routine. The other thing I wanted to mention was food that reduces output and gives high levels of prolonged energy. Try butternut squash in any form, be it soup or as an alternative to potato. The other one that helps me is making a stew with plenty of pulses in it. I am no veggie, but have come to love all manner of beans and lentils. Hope this help! Keep flying the flag for the single bagging bikers...we need all the support we can get! X