My Journey Through Multiple Surgeries and Recovery

Feb 28, 2011 10:18 pm

Hi everyone, just wanted to share my latest op news with you. Well, here is my story: May 2010, I had an abscess on my bowel. It burst, and I was rushed to the op room. I woke up with a colostomy in high dependency but was very unwell as I had gone septic. After 10 days, I was taken to a ward and I was doing well and made a good friend who also had a colostomy. My stoma didn't look too good, so after a week on the ward, I was told I was going for a scope. I woke up 8 hours later in high dependency again. They said my bowel was dying, so they fixed it. I spent 2 more weeks in the hospital, then they let me go home. I had no problems with my stoma, oops, Bubba, as I liked to call it, lol. My hubby and daughter were great when I got home, always making a fuss. My surgeon said he would reverse it for me, so in November 2010, I went into the hospital. I needed a hysterectomy, so they said they would do it all in the same op. I also had a hernia, so on the 25th of November, I went for the op. I woke up in high dependency again, but I felt good. After a week, I was taken to a ward where I spent 4 more days. I was bleeding heavily and passing a lot of crap. They told me that was okay and was due to having the hysterectomy. They sent me home, but after 2 days at home, I knew what was happening wasn't normal. I had poo coming from my vagina and coming out the old stoma site. I phoned the hospital and was told to come back in. They did a CT scan and said I had a fistula. I was taken back to the op room and woke up with an ileostomy. That was a nightmare from day 1. They sent me home on Christmas Eve, but I was in so much pain I can't remember most of it. My stoma site was very sore and red, but I was told it was normal. I told my stoma nurse I thought it was the bags. She told me not to be daft. I suffered for 2 more weeks when I went to see the nurse again, and my surgeon came in and said I had to come back into the hospital. My skin had burns so bad. So, I went back in and was told I had dermatitis, lol. Then I got a CT scan that showed my fistula had dried up. I don't know how that happened as it was still running the day before. I think someone was looking after me. So, the surgeon said he would reverse my ileostomy, yippee! They also sent me to see the dermatologist who said I was allergic to the bags. I was right all along. My stoma nurse took a long time to accept I was allergic to the bags. I got my ileostomy reversed on the 19th of January and so far, I have been great, still in some pain, but everything is working. I went for my checkup today, so my file said I had MRSA. I was so angry I was never told. The doc just said, see my GP for checkups. What a flaming cheek! I am just glad it is all over. My colostomy, oops, Bubba, saved my life, and I will never forget that. I want to start a support group when I am fully fit and help others, and I hope I can always be welcome back on this site as I have made great friends and will always see myself as an ostomate. Sorry, I got carried away with my story. x

Pami 22
Feb 28, 2011 11:02 pm

Hiya, you have been through so much and have been so strong through the whole thing; you even kept your sense of humor! I'm so glad you are on the road to recovery but so angry for you regarding MRSA. Karma will get them, don't worry! You will run a fabulous support group because you are such a caring person with a great understanding of the ostomy world. I would be delighted to help you with it when the time comes! Thanks for being such a great friend, you will always be my ostomate/stoma buddy even without colo/ilio...."chicken, I want chicken" lol. Funny memory!
Take care and keep being you!
Pami xxx

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Mar 01, 2011 7:02 am
thx pami u will also be my friend for life i will always be here when you need me and your help will be very welcome you take care and rest plenty or i will kick your butt lol x
Past Member
Mar 03, 2011 5:32 am

Hi Terry! I too had a similar story 19 years ago!!
It took me months to recover, but most of all, it broke my spirit! Finding friends that can relate to me seems to be the best medicine I could have ever given myself!! You too will be strong and will take from this experience, and you will grow!! Good luck on the recovery and your friendships!