So, now we've reached one of those topics I might not have the easiest time discussing, but I'm going to try, because, after all, this is still a huge thing when you have an ostomy.
As I've written before, having an ostomy causes no limitations per se, and that is true with sex as well. Any possible limitation probably exists only in your own mind. At least that's the way it is for me. Obviously, it's no secret that neither having the ostomy itself, nor having an ostomy bag like this dangling off my stomach, is very sexy.
Generally speaking, I'm actually okay with having the ostomy, but one of the few times, where it's not such a great thing, is when you're fooling around with the girlfriend. So, in this particular situation, I am glad to have met my girlfriend, so I don't have to go out scoring every weekend, because I probably wouldn't be too comfortable with that. But, of course, anything is what you make of it, and if I were 18 years old and single, I guess it would work itself out, after all you learn to live with it and deal with it as well.
Well, the first time I was fooling around with my girlfriend, I was pretty nervous too, although not about what she would say about it, because we had already talked about that, and she said she had no problem with it. The problem was probably just me. I'm not very comfortable with laying around in my bare stomach making out with my girlfriend, so in the beginning I always had an ace bandage around my stomach, so I had control over the ostomy bag. If I lie close to my girlfriend, I can feel the bag, and then I start to notice it being a bit noisy, and then I can't really concentrate on having a good time. So, the first few times we were messing around, it was kind of hard for me to stay turned on, because I was thinking about all sorts of other things. Now I've gotten used to it, and it's not like you have to lie right on top of each other, of course you have to be a little creative. Another thing that can be a turn-off is if the ostomy farts or stool enters the bag. When that happens, it's hard for me to think about anything else. I'm not sure if my girlfriend notices that something is entering the bag, but it's definitely something I'm aware of myself. I always make sure I empty the bag before we fool around.
These days, when we are having a good time, I still don't like for my stomach to be bare, so now I always wear a T-shirt, which still keeps the bag in check a little. My girlfriend often says I should take off my shirt, since it wouldn't bother her, but I'm not particularly comfortable with that. Maybe that will come in time, but I actually doubt it.
The downside of having to empty the bag and put on a T-shirt is that I'm not always able to be as spontaneous as I could be, but you learn to live with it.
Best regards