Edmonton Now Has an Ostomy Support Group

May 28, 2023 3:53 pm

Finally! If anyone from Edmonton and the area is interested, this is the information I was sent via email. If you can't make it and want to stay in touch, you can message me and I can forward you any further information. K

"Just a reminder, the Edmonton Peer Support Group is open to anyone who has lived with or is living with an ostomy and seeking support or would like to support others as an informal coffee meet-up. Family and friends are always welcome. There is no agenda and people are free to come and go. I am a certified NSWOC facilitating the meet-ups. Summer dates for the Edmonton Peer Support Group Meetings are planned for Saturday, June 3rd and August 26th, 10:00 – 12:00, at Bogani Café in south Edmonton."

Jan 07, 2024 4:01 pm

Hi, I live in Edmonton and I am interested in this support group. Post-COVID, there was nobody local to talk to, which is why I joined Meet an Ostomate. Thank you.


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First off, this is a pretty cool site with 34,032 members. Get inside and you will see.

It's not all about ostomy. Everything is being discussed.

Many come here for advice or to give advice 🗣, others have found good friends 🤗, and there are also those who have found love 💓. Most of all, people are honest and truly care.

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Create an account and you will be amazed.