Severe Abdomen Cramping After Urination and Draining Pouch

Aug 20, 2023 9:43 pm

Hi, I've been having severe cramping in my abdomen. I find it's happening a lot lately, most times right after urinating. I will get these cramps also after I drain my pouch. I get the cramping as well. This has been going on for 2 months now, maybe longer. The pain is horrible. I'm forced to take pain meds just to get through them. I'm not sure what's causing this. Has anyone else experienced this? Sorry for the bad typing, my phone is not working so well.

Aug 20, 2023 10:02 pm

Pain is not normal. If it continues, see a doctor and get imaging done. A CT or MRI.

I had horrible pain/cramping for 3 weeks. Laid on the couch and hoped it would get better. Absolutely didn't get better. I shouldn't have waited to seek professional medical help. I barely survived.

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Aug 20, 2023 10:13 pm
Reply to Beachboy

Thank you for replying, what was the cause of the pain? Glad you made it out OK.

Aug 20, 2023 11:07 pm

Hi Maddy,

July of 2022, I had 46 radiation treatments for prostate cancer. I was told I would get sick near the end of treatment. And I did. The doctor said I would recover in 2 weeks. Well, 2 weeks went by and I got sicker and sicker. I couldn't eat anymore, was in intense pain, and had continual fever. My radiation oncologist said I should start to get better soon. Finally, the pain was so intense, (I was screaming on the couch), my wife said she thought I had sepsis and should go to the emergency room. After a while, I went. Once there, I was immediately admitted to the hospital. I had a punctured colon, sepsis, C Diff, and peritonitis. I spent 28 days getting worse and worse. I lost 64 pounds. Doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong. Finally, I consented to emergency exploratory surgery. I told the surgeon I would live with whatever he had to do. I had 7 hours of surgery. It turns out hernia repair mesh put in 15 years ago had migrated into my bladder and colon. The mesh punctured my intestine, causing the infections. Luckily, my bladder was OK. My doctors were amazed I survived, due to waiting so long to seek medical care.

Moral of the story.... Don't let pain go. Don't tough it out. Go to the doctor.... Be a pain in the ass.... we are our own advocates. To the medical establishment... we're just another patient.

I always thought of myself as smart. Mr. know-it-all. I told my wife she was nuts and not a doctor when she urged me to seek emergency medical care. I ended up apologizing to her. She saved my life and I learned a valuable lesson.

A long-winded response from me. But an important lesson for us all.

Take care


Aug 21, 2023 12:35 am

Hi there,

If it's been happening for that long and you're having that bad of pain, you are well overdue to see your doctor. I would call your doctor and tell them what's going on.


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Aug 21, 2023 8:18 pm
Reply to Beachboy

What a horrible experience to go through, but as you say, an educational one. The problems people have had with mesh for hernia repair always scares the crap out of me, and it's the main reason I try so hard to take precautions against getting a hernia. Your experience is one of the worst I've heard of, but there are many out there. Glad you made it!
