I have had an ileostomy since Sept. 23, so about 5 months. I had to have my upper teeth pulled in Dec. of '23, thanks to prednisone use off and on for several years.
In January, I had my first of three blockages. I purée my food or chop it extra fine with a food processor when I have meat, fruit, or vegetables. I do not eat anything that is listed as causing blockages. I drink 3-4 liters of water a day and always drink when I am eating, yet I still have pretty thick output 90+% of the time and am now having blockages.
I am still eating the same things I ate when I had teeth, but now it is ground up smaller and causing me to have blockages.
I would love to know if anyone has an answer on how to avoid blockages with no top teeth for the next 3 months.