Pain in the Weeks Following Surgery

Apr 01, 2024 10:29 pm

Hey all - had my operation just last month and am now back home recovering.

I have found myself getting random sharp stabbing pains in my abdomen, anus, and groin area since my surgery. This is very random when it occurs and can even happen when I'm not moving and just sitting in bed, for example. It is thankfully not constant but can be a very sharp pain when it occurs, and it does worry me somewhat.

I know there is a lot of nerve damage immediately following surgery, and these nerves can take time to heal - I'm just wondering if this is something anyone else has experienced following surgery and if it has improved with time?

I tend to think of the worst-case scenario, so naturally, I'm panicking when I get symptoms like this. I should note my stoma is working normally, so I don't believe it to be an issue with that!

Apr 01, 2024 11:28 pm

Hello Leeds Lad


My attitude would be a timely check-in with your surgeon's secretary - a quick follow-up would seem to be in order - particularly insist on being seen by the surgeon in question who did your operation.


There may be a good specific reason - but in any event, report it and have feedback - for in my experience it is not a standard happening after discharge.


Best wishes

from the Welsh English border


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Apr 02, 2024 12:02 am

Maybe check Moemoe's reversal updates

Apr 02, 2024 12:02 am

Aside from the expected aches and pains of having major surgery, I didn't have any unusual pain.

Like Jayne advised: speak with your surgeon about unusual pain.

Take care

Apr 02, 2024 1:47 am

Hopefully, they didn't leave any medical supplies in you. 😁 I'm just kidding. I think a random pain here and there when you've been sliced and diced is probably pretty normal as you heal. I'd be more worried about constant pain in a specific spot.


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Apr 02, 2024 6:40 am

Healing pains, your insides have been cut and pulled about here, there, and everywhere, takes time to heal. If you're concerned and think something else is going on, the best person to speak to is your surgeon/stoma nurse.

Apr 02, 2024 8:03 am

I think this one is for your surgeon to give advice. Regards, IGGIE

Apr 02, 2024 12:58 pm

Thanks everyone - I have a call with my stoma nurse later today and I've booked to go into my hospital tomorrow for them to have a look as well.

It's a brutal thing, this bowel removal business! Can't believe how much my life has changed in the last month. I'm only 29 but feel like I'm double that age with all the aches and pains I'm having. It is great to have a community of like-minded OstoMates to lean on though.

Apr 02, 2024 1:49 pm
Reply to LeedsLad94

Hello! I understand totally... I looked and felt like I aged 10 years when I had my ordeal. I did have pain off and on for quite a while after my first surgery - I think it is normal after such a major operation. My body ached from laying in the hospital bed for 21 days and then recovery at home... just not doing the normal physical stuff I used to do. My surgeon told me it takes 6 months to 1 year of healing, and he wasn't kidding. I was able to work after 8 weeks but only because I have a desk job. Hang in there - you are young - a lot younger than me, so I'm sure you will recover faster than I did! Sending you hugs.

Apr 04, 2024 1:37 pm

LeedsLad, I am right there with you. I had emergency colon surgery on 12/25/24 and I am just now getting back to my normal self. I also had strange sharp pains for 5 to 7 weeks after surgery. I called my surgeon and they ordered a scan, but it did not find anything. So, it has been 15 weeks and I still have pain in my lower midsection. I have ended up with a parastomal hernia, which is common with this surgery. I would recommend getting a hernia belt and wearing it whenever you are doing almost anything.

You are correct when you state that you feel twice your age. I am 65 and did not look it. Now I look like I am 85. But you are young and after a few months of healing, you can be active again, just take it slow.

Hope all goes well with your visit with your ostomy nurse and surgeon.


Apr 04, 2024 7:54 pm
Reply to LeedsLad94

Hope all went well with your hospital look-see on the 3rd.

Let us know how you have got on.

I was 25 when I had my ileostomy and actually went on to live a pretty full life - this year I will be 70!

As others have said - you need time to heal and regain strength - just keep focused and positive.



Apr 04, 2024 10:25 pm
Reply to Golf&Osto

Thanks for this - good to know I am not alone with the random pains. Hopefully, they will go away in time!

I have recently been measured for my stoma support wear this week and it is ordered, so I intend to wear it all the time once it arrives! I definitely don't want a hernia on top of this.

I have a scan later this week so maybe it will reveal the cause of my sharp pains, or maybe it will reveal nothing! At least I'll have some kind of answer.

Thanks for the advice and take care!

Apr 04, 2024 10:27 pm
Reply to Jayne

Thanks, Jayne - good to hear it has not prevented you from living a full life.

The doctors at the hospital weren't concerned when I went in, but they have requested a scan to rule out anything serious, so I should have that done in the next day or two once they get back to me with a time.

Apr 05, 2024 6:36 am

Hey leedslad

Hope everything went well with the scan. Just wanted to say welcome to the site. Lots of friendly folk on here with great tips, ideas, and suggestions. Also, lots of banter. Xx

Apr 05, 2024 8:43 pm

Hello, I can't tell you how many surgeries I have had over the years, and every time I fall for it! Thinking I can take the world on in just a month or so! Nope! Your body is telling you to slow down. Young or not, we all heal differently. Aches and pains after major surgery are absolute; some pain can come directly from the site, others come as "deferred" pain. It always helps to check with a professional, of course! But if you go home after they advise nothing is to be found, then just slow down. We tend to expect too much of ourselves at times. I had my operations x2 in January; it did not go very smoothly, and I, amongst other things, got sent home with an open surgical wound. Only today have I had the pump removed! Quite honestly, I feel as if someone has punched me in the stomach with a cricket bat! Twinges and twangs and stabbing, hip pain from sitting too much, and much more, and STILL I think I should be able to go out and mow the lawn! Be kind to yourself! Young or elder, surgery is a tough deal! Take care x

Apr 06, 2024 2:33 am
Reply to victoriaelsbeth1990

Victoria Elsberth,


I am sorry to hear that your surgeries did not go as well as expected - bless you bigly!


Very wise words - we all need to be kind to ourselves and thank our bodies for all the stuff they do get right - continually trying to work for us!


Hugs to you.


I hope that now you have finally had the drain removed, a little more comfort is savored over the coming weeks.


Thank you for updating us all following your surgery... I wondered how you were doing.


I hope you continue to follow your own wisdom - and not overdo things - the early season mowing is some of the toughest - let your body feel the wisdom of your own self-love... we are all learning this I guess - some of us have tougher lessons than others - a classic coming from me - but, nevertheless, we do try!




Best wishes



Apr 12, 2024 12:01 pm
Reply to DexieB

I know that feeling. I looked like a 70-year-old granny. I had lost that much weight; all my skin was saggy from being ill and not allowed to eat for a month. I was on TPN for weeks. I had lost so much from my body. It takes a while to get over the stress and ordeal. I had a fit because of all the stress my body was under. Keep going; it does get better, I promise. xx