Concerned About Colostomy Blockage - Seeking Advice

Apr 18, 2024 1:28 am

So I've had my colostomy since December 2023. No issues until now. Got a little dehydrated due to nausea and vomiting last chemo treatment over a period of 3 days. Able to eat solid food for the past 4 days. No output for 5 days… This is very unusual for me. Did Dulcolax suppository via stoma… No output. Took Miralax… No output. No nausea/vomiting now. Staying very hydrated, but now concerned there may be a blockage or partial blockage. I still pass some gas, but nothing else. Just wondering if anyone else has had issues similar and what helped most. I also tried the leg tuck and rolling side to side and warm heating pad with massaging around stoma afterwards. No output… 😳

Apr 18, 2024 2:37 am

Just to clarify, you are eating solid food?

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Apr 18, 2024 10:48 am

As AlexT asked: Are you on a special diet, or are you eating normal solid food?

You mentioned chemo. I assume you had cancer, which is why you have an ostomy.

If you have pain or fever, consult with a doctor right away.

You need to get hydrated. Water by itself is not enough. Electrolytes need to be added. They are available in powder form you add to water or in premixed drinks like Gatorade Fit or Pedialyte. Also, continually sip, don't chug. Drink too much at once and you just pee it out; your body won't absorb it.

I have a colostomy. I've gone 3 days with no output many times. Then I've had days where I empty the bag 3 times in a couple of hours. 5 days is unusual. If it continues, even without pain or fever, see a doctor.

Apr 18, 2024 2:09 pm
Reply to Beachboy

No special diet. I am glad to say I am having a little semi-soft output as of this morning. I get so worried about blockages. Thanks for your info. God bless.

Apr 18, 2024 2:11 pm
Reply to AlexT

Yes, I am on a regular diet. After all the N/V was over with, I started consuming solid foods again. Luckily, I have had some semi-soft output today.


Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Apr 18, 2024 4:07 pm

Glad to hear you have had some output today! I sometimes went several days with no output when I had my colostomy, especially if I wasn't eating much. Always scared me, so I would take Miralax sometimes (or drink a Coke, as I've heard that helps) - but Miralax would give me diarrhea. I eventually realized that it was normal for me to go for 2-3 days with no output at times... but as the others mentioned, if you have pain or fever, always be seen right away. :)

Apr 18, 2024 5:14 pm
Reply to Yats

Glad to hear you're getting some output. I was concerned the first few months I had my colostomy. Now, if I don't get any output for a couple of days, I love it. It means I don't have to empty the bag or rearrange output so my bag lays flatter against my body.

I've eaten a lot of stuff I had been warned not to. Popcorn, tomatoes, nuts. I make sure I chew really well. Drink lots of water. The popcorn comes out like thick cement, ruining my bag. Can't hardly empty it. I just change the bag (I use 2-piece Hollister). Also, limit popcorn to a small size when at the movie theater. 😃