Hi Kata,
I agree with Axl's advice. If you have any concerns, then contact your stoma nurse. That is, after all, what they are there for... and they don't bite!
Also, have you looked up St. Mark's 'pouch care nurses'? Apparently, they are some of the best in the world, and St. Mark's Hospital is where the J-Pouch surgery was pioneered by Prof. Nicholls et al.
Some support sites/contact in the UK:
St. Mark's Hospital pouch care website https://www.stmarkshospital.nhs.uk/services-a-z/stoma-care/
Get in touch with them. They take patients from anywhere in the UK. St. Mark's is the J-Pouch specialist center. Also, on that first landing page, there is an email address that they respond to very quickly. The best thing about it is, you can email them from anywhere in the world, i.e., you don't have to be a UK resident or be registered on the NHS or have ever been. It's a wonderful service; please check it out.
Stoma care contact details
Tel: 020 8453 2196
Email: lnwh-tr.stomacare@nhs.net
Pouch care contact details
Tel: 020 8453 2099
Email: lnwh-tr.internalpouchcare@nhs.net
Pouch support group associated with St. Mark's, Red Lion Group website https://pouchsupport.org/
Hope that helps.
And as always, if in any doubt or you have any queries at all, contact your stoma nurse without delay!
Kind regards,