Hello Yearling,
It takes time for swelling after surgery to recede. Stomas change shape. Get longer, bigger, shorter, smaller, due to peristalsis.
I'm at 16 months post-op. My colostomy is oblong, 57 mm at its widest point and sticks out from 1 to 2 inches. I also developed a peristomal hernia. I'm a little guy, so it's very noticeable under my shirt.
I use Hollister flat wafer, 2-piece system with a Coloplast Brava moldable barrier ring and 3M barrier spray.
I was told by my surgeon my ostomy would shrink after a couple of months. Didn't happen. Actually got a little bigger, then stabilized. It is very easy to develop a peristomal hernia under or next to your stoma. It looks like a bulge. I have one. You could have one right after surgery, or get one months later. The only way to attempt a fix is surgery. When I go out to dinner or something formal, I wear a Nu-Hope support belt with a prolapse strap. Temporarily decreases my "bulge" quite a bit.
Your stoma might just be... big. Mine is about 2 inches. Don't try to cut the wafer hole close to your stoma size. No. I cut the hole 1/8 inch bigger all around. Easily clearing my stoma when I do a test fit.
My routine:
After removing the old wafer, I shower using Cetaphil soap. Once dried off, I use an electric pubic hair shaver around my stoma. These are better than regular shavers, no skin irritation or pulling. I use a small precision scissor to snip remaining hairs.
I spray 3M Cavilon on. Take Brava barrier ring out of plastic carrier, put it between my thighs for a minute to warm it up, remove the 2 plastic covers, cut through one side. Then wearing new gloves, start at the center of the ring opposite of the cut side, and squeeze and stretch the ring. Working my way to each end. I have a small ruler. Diameter of my stoma is 2 inches. So diameter x 3.14 will equal the length the ring should be. In my case, about 6.25 inches long. Once I mold and stretch the ring to length, I fit it around my stoma starting at the stoma bottom and the center of the ring length. Working my way up around the stoma sides until the ring ends come together at the stoma top. Sometimes the ends overlap or there's a small gap. I just leave it. Make sure the edge of the ring is right against the stoma where it exits the skin, all around the stoma. Lightly use fingers to press it into place and guide it.
Then I take off gloves, put the wafer against my stomach for a minute to warm it up, then pull the plastic backing off and fit it over and onto the stoma. I press the fabric tape down at the top, fold the tape sides outward, then press the bottom tape down onto the skin. I remove the tape backing on the right side, hold it taut and press it down on my skin. Do the same for the left side. Wrinkles in the fabric tape don't hurt anything. I smooth them down with a fingernail.
Then place hands on the flange and press against your skin for a minute. Reposition hands, hold again for a minute.
Grab pouch, make sure Velcro closure is secure.
Pro tip: Create a pleat in the 2 plastic bottom pieces of the closure before you fold it up and secure the Velcro. If you don't do this, when you empty the bag, you'll have a hell of a time opening the drain. Nothing is stickier than poop.
Put in some M9 or lubricating deodorizer through the bag flange opening. Align it to the wafer flange, press it on. You should hear a click as you work your way around pressing it on. Get a handheld mirror. Fold the bag up and look at the bottom of the flange to ensure the bag is securely snapped on.
Pro tip 2: Obtain a small paper binder clip, also known as an IGGIE clip. This is the kind where the handles fold down. Roll the bag bottom drain up 1 time, put the clip on at the center of the drain. Fold handles down. This will prevent the drain from suddenly popping open when full of poop. Also decreases the bag length slightly. I use the clip every day.
I then put on a thin Hollister belt that snaps onto the bag flange. I wear it every day, all day and night. I have 6 belts. Clean them by hand.
Changing the wafer too much will tear up your peristomal skin. I change every 7 days with no problems. Change bags as required. Snap the old one off, snap the new one on.
Let us know how you're doing. We've all been "there".... staring at the little stoma beast and wondering... what the hell?