Adjusting to Life After Emergency Hartmann's Procedure

Oct 10, 2024 8:34 pm


I just had (3 weeks ago) an emergency laparotomy and Hartmann's procedure. Now I have a stoma which may be reversible in the future. I have a couple of large wounds where drains were and a midline incision.
I was just starting to get a little confidence yesterday, changing the bag, moving a little more, etc., but this morning after changing the bag, a scab on my incision started leaking serous fluid a lot, soaked through my pants and trousers. I got a quick appointment with the nurse; she dressed it. My temperature is a little higher (37.7) without paracetamol.
I guess I'm just looking for a little reassurance.
I thought I was doing well mentally, but I panicked today and now I just can't relax or get comfortable. It's making me think of my time in ITU where I held it together well but was petrified underneath.
I'm sure the leaking and my feelings are all normal; I just wanted to talk to someone without worrying my family again.

Oct 10, 2024 9:05 pm

Hi there,

I'm just 7 weeks post-op. I have an ileostomy, which hopefully can be reversed, and was also due to an emergency operation. I had fluid seep out of my abdominal wound for about 2 weeks, and it really only started once I started moving about. My GP did put me on an antibiotic in case of infection, so it might be worth talking it over with them.

Your feelings are all valid; it really is a tough physical and mental ride for the first few weeks. To be honest, this week has been my best mentally so far, but you are not alone. Take it one day at a time. Recovery is not straightforward; there are ups and downs, but there is a lot of good support on this site.


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Oct 10, 2024 9:38 pm
Reply to lorgriffin

Thank you for your kind and reassuring words. I have an open wound at the bottom that they didn’t want to close up due to drainage. They change the dressings twice a week. I guess it’s a lot to process. I’ll talk to my GP just in case that sounds wise.

Thank you again for taking the time, I really do appreciate it. Take care of yourself.

Oct 10, 2024 10:29 pm
Reply to lorgriffin

Oh so sorry to hear that! Same thing happened to me and it just felt like the last straw, but of course other things still happen. It sure tests our patience and strength! I ended up with a wound vac, twice, … to help heal from the inside out. Never even knew that existed. What a learning experience this is. 
After a few complications I almost felt my bag was the most manageable of it all, when that was NOT the case at first.

lt can be so discouraging, but hopefully soon you will feel better. This sure is not a smooth road. 
Wishing you much better days!

Oct 10, 2024 11:00 pm

Bopina, you have been through a lot. Emergency surgery, a stay in ICU—it's a lot of stress for both the body and mind. Things will get better, wishing you all the best, take care.


How to Manage Emotions with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Oct 10, 2024 11:36 pm

Did you have it looked at by a doctor? If not, I highly recommend that you do. With my first midline incision, a section burst in the middle of the night. I was soaked too with pus-like fluid. I made an appointment with my doctor and got in right away. Mine ended up being pus that had developed underneath the midline. With something like this, if you haven't seen a doctor, not wound care, I would have it checked out. Not trying to freak you out, it's always good to check with stuff like this.

Oct 11, 2024 1:00 am

11 weeks out from a similar surgery. Hoping for a reversal next month.

It does get better <3

Those first few weeks were horrible. 

Oct 11, 2024 5:51 am

I had nearly the same thing.  About 4 days after surgery, I was bumbling around the house and noticed my feet were wet and bloody.  A hole opened up at the bottom of my surgical incision.  Panic!  I had visions of the whole damn thing opening up.  I had to wait a day to see my surgeon.  Meanwhile the hole got bigger and fluid was seeping out constantly.  

My surgeon was nonchalant about it.  He told me to go on Amazon, buy a bottle of anti bacterial wash, something called silver alginate, and gauze.  He put a piece of gauze over it and home I went.

Everyday, laying on my back,  I poured the wash into the hole.  Let it sit for a couple of minutes.  Then dabbed the hole with a paper towel removing some of the wash.  Then cut a piece of the alginate to fit into the hole.  I stuffed the alginate in, put gauze over the top, and taped it down.  The alginate would turn into a sort of gel sealing the hole.  The silver in the alginate killed any bacteria. Took about 4 weeks... hole closed up nicely.  This was kind of empowering.  Being able to do this myself.  And this works for most deep wounds.