I just had (3 weeks ago) an emergency laparotomy and Hartmann's procedure. Now I have a stoma which may be reversible in the future. I have a couple of large wounds where drains were and a midline incision.
I was just starting to get a little confidence yesterday, changing the bag, moving a little more, etc., but this morning after changing the bag, a scab on my incision started leaking serous fluid a lot, soaked through my pants and trousers. I got a quick appointment with the nurse; she dressed it. My temperature is a little higher (37.7) without paracetamol.
I guess I'm just looking for a little reassurance.
I thought I was doing well mentally, but I panicked today and now I just can't relax or get comfortable. It's making me think of my time in ITU where I held it together well but was petrified underneath.
I'm sure the leaking and my feelings are all normal; I just wanted to talk to someone without worrying my family again.