Visible food in bag

Jan 11, 2025 5:55 pm

Hey all, just wondering how long does it take for food to show up in your bag? For example, I will eat and 1-2 hours later, it’s in the bag. Is this standard?

I do have a high output ileostomy. But a lot of food comes out whole, and it doesn’t seem like it’s in my body long enough to absorb any nutrients.

Jan 11, 2025 6:27 pm

This is a situation we as ileos face daily.

If yur output is too fast there is no way u  get any benefit of nutrients.  Bulking up seems the right course. 

I'm using these gummie bears made with fiber by Metamucil.

I hate the powder mix. 🤮.

These help retain bulk but it's just for maybe 1 out put.

Then more gummies to sustain the bulking process. I'm pretty sure for a normal person 3 gummies daily is fine..but for an ileo? Idk. 3 is weak for us.  I chew them like candy.

Also Oatmeal rasin cookies help me. Alex T. Suggested them.

They help.

If u are seeing food not digested in yur bag..something is wrong for an ileo.  I never see that. 8 yrs..never. it's liquid. Or..semi bulk. 

You have had this issue since

the surgery? Do you know how much of yur small bowel was removed?

You may have small bowel syndrome. SBS.  Heard of it?

Check it out... ost i.a. in forum. 



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Jan 11, 2025 7:18 pm

Yup, that happens to me periodically.  I have a very fast transit time.  Frequently, the few pills I take come out whole. I absolutely detest Metamucil.  The powder, even when mixed with OJ literally makes me gag. So, to slow things down I eat a banana in the morning, or unsweetened applesauce.  Peanut butter (almond butter) is your friend.  Potatoes and rice can help to bulk things up.  My surgeon told me as I was lying in a hospital bed " Do you like chips (potato) ?  They help for bulk as well as providing some sodium."  Try and stay away from coffee and carbonated beverages.  There are some things that just will not break down; carrots, some salad greens, skins from black beans, blueberries to name a few.  Good luck !

Jan 11, 2025 7:29 pm

Well, when I eat Qdoba, the corn comes out probably 1- 1 1/2 days later. Same with pepper chunks in salsa. That’s just the noticeable stuff. 🤷‍♂️

Jan 11, 2025 7:58 pm

Are you taking any meds to help slow your output down? 1-2 hrs is a reasonable time for a high output stoma if your not taking the right amount of meds to slow it down.... you will still be getting some nutrition from food.... tbh you won't get many benfits from all the thickening foods there more help for people that just have loose output you know yourself there's a big difference between loose and high many times a day on average does your bag need emptying? 


How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jan 12, 2025 12:34 am
Reply to warrior

Hi Warrior, since surgery I’ve been seeing/smelling what I ate in my bag. I had olives on a slice of pizza the other night, and an hour later, I had a bag full of undigested olives. Same with potatoes, pasta, beef, carrots, peppers, etc. I was very surprised the beef didn’t digest.

I need those gummies! I hate the stupid drink, too!! It makes me gag the entire time. I hate it lol but yes, it’s one dose per bag it seems. I have had a little luck with marshmallows before bag changes. I’m up 4-5 times a night emptying. It’s just so freaking much!! 

Jan 12, 2025 12:37 am
Reply to bobwilson5999

I love peanut butter and it’s a staple since surgery. I feel like it keeps me alive lol I will definitely try a banana in the mornings.

It seems like if I’m able to bulk it’s not for long. 

Jan 12, 2025 1:43 am
Reply to Anne_Shirley

That's not right but if u do have SBS...there lies the reason.

W30bob has this.  I hope he chimes in.  Rather alarming to be passing liquid  poop.

That flush.  Pretty common as an ileo but too much will dehydrate you.  I have lost weight and it's not the way I wanna lose weight. It's like you are melting away. Nothing fits. And yur exhausted from lack of sleep.

I think u need to find out abt this short bowel syndrome.  How much small colon was removed. This is why u go and have undigested food pass through you.

Dehydration will cause kidney issues. U don't want that. 

The only things I have seen are watermelon seeds.. 🍉 ..I can eat issues.

The gummies really bulk up out put. I  Drink a variety of fluids.

I'm on liquid i.v. daily.  A powder mix. So far so good.. but night a whole new ball game.