When I first had my stoma, I
was never told the reason why
I would still be incontinent
and that could become dominant.
I’ve always managed my stoma
with all it’s shit and aroma
without becoming too distressed,
anxiety-ridden, or depressed.
But mucus from my arse is such
that I just think it is too much
and, there are times I cannot cope,
then I begin to lose all hope.
The problem with my bum is that
it should come with a caveat,
which warns us of how gravity
can draw stuff from this cavity.
It’s also inaccessible,
which makes it seem inevitable
that, as it’s hard, the end result
means management is difficult.
Though I try hard, it is in vain
as mucus is hard to contain
so, when it comes out in excess
I end up in an awful mess.
Inco-pads do not work well
for, as far as I can tell,
they don’t absorb this slippery slime
so down my legs will slide the grime.
This mess is so disgusting, I
sometimes begin to wonder why
I have not found solutions to
this problem, like I often do.
Although I’ve tried my very best,
mucus has put me to the test
so, I’d appreciate you all
to send suggestions, big or small.
B. Withers 2024