Surgery to remove the rectum

Feb 28, 2012 9:27 am
Hi, last yr in march i had an ileostomy due to my crohnes disease, i have had alot of set backs infections and constant bleeding from my rectum, My surgeon has recomended that i have the rectum removed surgery i don't really want but looks like i will have to have would appreciate any advice on this matter thanks .

Hi ange123,

You're in the right place for support, and I'm sure you'll find plenty of it from our large community here.

It sounds like you've been through a lot, and facing surgery is never easy. Many people in our community have gone through similar experiences, and while it's a tough decision, removing the rectum can sometimes bring relief from ongoing issues like infections and bleeding. It's important to discuss all your concerns with your surgeon and maybe even get a second opinion if you're unsure. Remember, you're not alone in this.

You might want to check out the Ostomy Guides section for more information that could help you make an informed decision.

Feb 28, 2012 11:16 am
Hi Ange123, I had a total removal of my rectum due to severe ulcerative colitis and now have a permanent bag. I had no choice but have found that (5 years since surgery) it is possible to cope quite well.

I guess I do miss my rectum but now it is just second nature. For quite a while I had urges from my rear as if I wanted to use my bowels as before but they have passed now although I do sometimes have dreams at night that I have a rear end! Sounds strange but true.

Anyway I know what you must be feeling as I did not want to lose my rear end but had to if I wanted to live as the infection was so bad they couldn't save the rectum unfortunately.

The only thing I really miss and without wanting to sound rude, is to break wind as that is something I now can't do naturally or control.

I would say that if you are unsure then seek advice from another surgeon as a second opinion but if you have to have it done then you will find after time it becomes natural and you will accept it because in my opinion its not so bad. Better than the alternative which for me was death.

Hope this helps in some way.

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Feb 29, 2012 12:54 am
Don't be afraid to have your rectum removed. I had my rectum and anus removed because I had cancer.You will feel sore for a few weeks, but that goes away.Sometimes you may feel that it is still there. They call these phantom feelings.Lile a person who has a limb removed may still feel it there.You get use to it. Good luck in whatever your choice is. Donna
Mar 01, 2012 12:28 am
What is the recovery like after the surgery.  I am 36 years old, and have had the bag for the past 25 years now.  Lately I have been having a jelly like discharge from the rectum area and also feel a lot of pain while sitting down and standing up.

I am going to see my doctor in a few weeks and we have to make a decision as to when to go for the procedure.

I am not sure why am I still feeling anxious, I have had 19 surgeries so far.  I guess its been so long, plus I have reinvented wheel so many times in the past, I am just afraid I won't have enough to do it anymore.  

I was told about this blog and that is why I am writing to anybody who has or is going through similar situtation.
Mar 01, 2012 5:08 am
Sorry to hear about your poss surg. If you are having those kind of symptoms it will probably be the course taken. I've been an Ostmate since 1971 and had a total  proctocolectomy in 1979, when I was 29. It is easy for me to say now that I made the right choice...if I had kept my non-famous anus, I think of all the hemmies, fistulas, infections and who knows what else I would have had to contend with. Having the ileo, I had no need for the ole guy! Even though I try to find humor in my life, I truly wish you the best in whatever you decide to do. You will be o.k. Always know you have people who love and care for your good health. Think positive....I tell my family that my A&$ho&$ is in a jar somewhere in GA where I had the surgery done.....figure that one out. You're in my prayers and stay strong

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Mar 01, 2012 11:11 am
Thanks skidder for the advice, it's so good to hear from people who have been through the same surgery it give's me the courage to have the op thanks once again xxxx
Mar 01, 2012 11:13 am
Thanks for the advice it's so good to talk to people who have had the same surgery xxxc
Mar 01, 2012 11:14 am
thanks for your advice this site as been a god send for me xxx
Mar 01, 2012 11:17 am
thanks for your advice, this site as been a god send to me xx
Mar 01, 2012 11:27 am
HI, i am waiting for surgery to have my rectum removed and can understand your feelings. I to feel very scared even though i dont use my rectum it's just another part of my body being taken away. Had all my large intestine removed last yr i have crohne's and now have an ileostomy which sometimes i cope with and others i hate. This site as been a god send for me to get advice and talk to people who have had or going through similar conditions. I HAVE NOT FOUND ANYBODY OR ANY SUPPORT GROUP LOCALLY TO ME WHO HAVE BEEN ABLE TO GIVE ADVICE AND HAVE FELT SO ALONE AT TIMES. Thats why this site as been a life saver for me take care and all the best xxx
Mar 05, 2012 3:38 pm
well I guess by now youve had the surgery   the only thing I can say is I cant imagine life WITH IT  mine was removed in 1989   what a relief   it was a lot to go thru but worth it,  life got a whole lot better,  I hope your doing well,
Mar 05, 2012 11:07 pm
Had mine removed this past October after suffering with it for 3 years since my ileostomy.  Although it was painful and I was terribly anxious about the surgery, I can honestly say it was one of the best decisions I have ever made.  I was out of work for just 4 weeks and the pain wasn't nearly as bad as the ostomy.  I wish I hadn't waited so long to have it done.
Mar 06, 2012 1:56 am
Hell yeah...Go for it!.  Had anus, rectum and colon removed.  Hell I can wear same undies for 3 days and "Look Ma"  No Skid Marks.  LOL
Mar 06, 2012 3:26 am
I have been thinking and praying for you. Any time you loose a part of your body, it's traumatic. I hope in time you know deep down that it's not the very worst that can happen to you. With this experience you are going thru, maybe you can help someone else! For now, when you feel like crying, cry---if you feel like talking, talk---if you feel like you want to be alone, be alone. Always express what you feel. In time I hope you feel better with every passing day. Take care Angel23

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Mar 06, 2012 4:26 am

Inspite of her Bronx origin, Skidder is one of our treasures.    PB
Mar 06, 2012 5:46 pm
I had my rectum removed when I had my coloctomy. I don't miss it at all. The healing took a while but since I wear a pouch, I have no need for a rectum.  Don't worry. You will feel so much better without your diseased rectum!! R
Mar 07, 2012 1:47 am
Tim1948......I liked your humor re 'look Ma'. Just remember, don't let anyone call you a butt hole!!!!!!! Thanks for the laughter!!
Mar 20, 2012 1:04 am
ange123. dont worry. had anus rectum and colin removed and had no pain or complications.  10 day hospital stay, and I drove my pickup truck home.  1st day the morphine pump wasn't getting it for me, so I requested something stronger, and never had discomfort again.
Past Member
May 15, 2012 1:40 am
Just had mine removed a week ago after getting the ileostomy last August. I'm sore for sure, but otherwise am out of the hospital and recovering quite quickly. Actually, with the swelling going on right now peeing is a little difficult but is getting better as the swelling goes down.

The bleeding from my anus never went away even after getting the ileo and I was still having symptoms of UC. Now I hope everything is gone and I can get on with life.