Symptoms of blockage - Imodium, high temperature, jerking, chattering teeth, vomiting, and nausea

May 29, 2012 6:07 pm

Can anyone tell me the symptoms of a blockage? I have been taking Imodium 2 a day and was up all night with a high temperature. My body was jerking, teeth chattering, and vomiting. I am still nauseous. Thank you.

Past Member
May 29, 2012 8:04 pm

Lulu, if your stoma hasn't managed any output for 24 hours, you really need to get yourself off to the hospital. If you are blocked, your stoma will be discharging small amounts of fluids only and you will have a severe stabbing pain behind the stoma site. You can only do so much for yourself, such as massaging around the stoma site and curling up in a ball. The teeth chattering and vomiting are classic signs, so if you haven't already, get some professional attention. Good luck, DD.

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May 30, 2012 6:39 pm


Please take my advice and get medical attention ASAP. Blockages are never good. Mine almost "did me in".

Jun 02, 2012 2:00 pm

I just went through the same thing 2 weeks ago. The doc stuck her pinky in to the stoma and the crap came pouring out. It was a blockage. She always tells me to trim my pinky nail and do the same thing when I feel a blockage, but I still can't bring myself to stick my pinky in. LOL

Jun 02, 2012 3:35 pm

Thanks for the answers. Just got home from the hospital. Inflamed pancreas, dehydrated. Maybe I'll be okay for a little while now. Hope so. Again, thanks.


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Peter Lewis
Jun 17, 2012 7:58 pm

I just hope you don't have what I went through recently.
I had a heart op and was rushed back to theater from complications and all the anesthetics caused my bowel to fall asleep and for some reason it blocked up and none of the nurses noticed and I ended up throwing up for 6 full days constantly (I slept for a few hours in those 6 days), only when a doctor put a tube down my nose into my stomach to release the pressure and the blockage cleared itself did it all settle down.
You will have a lot of cramp and sharp pains in your belly (or at least I did anyway), I'd also say if no output in a 24-hour period go to the hospital ASAP.
Hope you're well now or on your way to being better. Much love.

Jun 19, 2012 5:56 pm

Hi, when I get a blockage, my doctor told me to drink white grape juice. It helps if you ate the wrong food. Hope you're so much better.

Jun 19, 2012 6:52 pm
BLOCKAGES: if you've had a few surgeries and swore you'd never go through that again, and along comes blockages, at that point your resolution to never have another surgery goes out the window and you find yourself begging the surgeon to PLEASE do something to rid yourself of this excruciating pain, pain that is worse than the original surgery in the first place. I was fortunate in that the surgeon on duty when I was in for the fourth time in one year, said he could fix this for me, and fix it he did, never had a blockage since, that's one surgeon I was really grateful for. That's my story and my only advice is when you even think you are having a blockage is to haul your ass of to the hospital as soon as possible and try to stay ahead of this miserable sucker, when the pain is so bad you can't even curse and swear you are probably in the beginning stages of a full blown blockage, and start to study up on this subject. Every little bit helps, Ed
Jun 20, 2012 9:22 pm

Ed, what did your doctor do to fix it for good? I just had a blockage and have no idea why. I'm very paranoid about what I eat! You're right, they hurt like hell!

Jun 20, 2012 11:42 pm
Hi Roxy, I really wish I could answer that question but at the time I was in so much pain I really didn't care what he was going to do, and along with all the morphine that was pumped into me before and after the surgery, I have no idea if he told me what he did or not and after a couple of days post surgery I was discharged because of a lack of beds, but I was still in a daze for quite a while after wards. Many times I was going to ask my family doctor for a copy of that procedure so I could share it.But it seems every time I see my doctor its like I'm being pushed out the door as soon as possible. I'll make it a point next time to ask him for a copy and if I get it I'll share it with you all. BLOCKAGES SUCK Ed
Jun 21, 2012 7:48 pm
Blockages are most commonly caused by scar tissue restricting your small bowel in one particular area, or sometimes when they reset the small bowel back in if you had all or part of your colon removed it can get a "kink" in it somewhere - so unfortunately there's no way to lessen the chance of having one without surgery - and that's a double-edged sword because each time they open you up is going to cause MORE scar tissue.