Loopy Ileo

Jun 20, 2012 11:57 am
Jumped awake at 6am to encounter more of a mud pie than a pancake.  The ensuing clean up operation in the bathroom revealed the result of the seismic activity which had kept me awake most of the night to be my very own mini grumbling volcano forcing its way up out of my abdomen.  A few glasses of water failed to quench the flames and the volcano continued to grow.

Therefore, after 5 hours of being doubled up with pain I resorted to 2 cups of strong black coffee, fully aware of the consequences.  Within 10 minutes the Vesuvian pretender began to spit out boulders and finally erupted at 12pm with an outpouring of a whole gambit of volatile matter and earsplitting noise.  Still spewing a steady stream of coffee coloured liquid lava an hour later, Mount Jabba had subsided.  The fact that I could stand up straight was evidence enough of the relief I felt.  It was time for breakfast.

Well, that's my average morning, how about you guys?
Jun 20, 2012 12:03 pm
"Mount Jabba"...lol.  I love it!

Here's to a "jabba-less, lava-less" Wednesday!

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  Glad you got some relief without having to resort to an ER visit!

Thanks for a great visual and a good laugh this morning.  I needed it.

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Green Eyed Lady
Jun 20, 2012 2:45 pm
You have an amazing command of words and story-telling capabilities. You made my day! I couldn't stop laughing, which is always welcome! Ever think of writing a book in your spare time? I think it would be a best seller with the way you write! Keep on truckin'!!
Jun 20, 2012 3:30 pm
I have to agree with Trish -all though we do all feel you frustration in having a blockage and insuring mess -the way you were able to put a humorous twist on it is really amazing. Theres a lady that publishes peoples funny and or unusual  ostomy stories in books ans i KNOW she would love yours!
Past Member
Jun 20, 2012 6:38 pm
Good way of telling folks about evolving blockage and so funny,not at the time i would think ,as ive been there many times,and have got away with not going to A&E  i suppose ive been lucky most times,but theres been times i wasnt, and ended up in hospital. But can relate to all you went through.. I agree with the others   you have a talent with words and a way of making light of the subject. Made me giggle  anyway lol..ty for sharing your story..tc ambies...

Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Jun 21, 2012 9:48 am
I'm so sorry your post made me laugh, I love humor put into such dastardly situations....and I am also sorry you go though the pain and trouble so many of us completely understand and share........there are soooooOOOooooo many 'remedies' that help ease some of these situations, and each soothing remedy that lessens the pain and the erruptions are an individual experience, but for me, I still have less of those problems when I take fish oil daily and also a few drops of Peppermint Oil in my tea or better yet in my 7-Up.....keeping both at the ready helps me personally a lot..........cheers!

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Jun 21, 2012 7:34 pm
Thanks guys,  glad I could put a smile on some faces!  I have made it my mission to see the funny side in the ridiculous situations being an ostomate can bring.  It's a thinly disguised, feeble attempt to stop myself completely losing the plot.  Although I do frequently forget where I put it....

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Jun 21, 2012 7:41 pm
good for you! I likely wouldn't be here today if it wasnt for finally be able to laugh at myself. I too decided to take-on the same mission about 10 yrs ago on my first Ostomy support site -and it was instrumental at me coming to acceptance of the new me. -and since then have been the class clown on several support sites

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