got a bad time for the last few weeks, no regular output. take a lot of laxatives and very little results. sought that i'm getting used to the colostomy. i didn't changed the bag for a few days and the result was that when i took it of the adhesive was stucking this badly to the skin that i ripped it all off and bleed terrible and it was so painful. had problems cleaning the skin with adhesive remover and barrier wipes for some relief; on top of it the clean pouch wouldn't stick proper. after 3 days of cleaning the skin and changing the bag even so it was empty it is now a bit better, just a few spots on the skin still bleeding. anyone has had experience how to go about it and how to avoid it in the first place. i wear a one closed piece only, can't handle other appliance with one hand only. should use a smaller opening 25mm instead of 30mm which let liquid facies through and skin around stoma is inflammed but my support workers are mostly not here at night if Bubbles is active to help. appreciate some feed back how to avoid those. cheers schneckerm88

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Urinary tract infections can still occur after urostomy surgery.
Learn about some basic diet and ostomy pouch routines that can help prevent them.
Learn about some basic diet and ostomy pouch routines that can help prevent them.