Hi ol Wantok,
I would like to share a recent event. I launched the Papua New Guinea Stoma Association on the 8th of June 2013. My awareness campaign was launched with its own "LOGO".
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I had the privilege to have two doctors as guest speakers. One of the doctors was the pediatrician who does surgery and treats the children at the general hospital. He spoke of the difficulties faced by these children and their parents. Slide shows were used to show the real conditions of how the patients live in their communities. Almost all are children and the poor parents trying to make do with pieces of cloth to cover the stoma. One parent uses a diaper only when they can afford to buy.
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All the guests there were saddened and touched. Most of them had no knowledge of what a stoma was when they first came in. Some didn't even know that I lived with a stoma. Seeing the photos of the pieces of cloth covering the stoma with uncontrollable bowel movement was so heartbreaking.
Having no access to colostomy bags which are not readily available here and the discomfort that goes with it, makes one wonder how these little children can continue to live in discomfort.
It is my intention to help these helpless children, have some comfort to live a normal life.
There were journalists at the launch who clearly didn't know what a stoma or a colostomy was. They surely did learn a lot from the launch. The TV crew did an interview with me and later aired it in their news.
The next day I was sent an email. It read, "Urgently need colostomy bags. My brother was shot and the bullet penetrated his large intestine." I answered his call and donated two boxes of my own supplies to him. The patient and the relatives were so relieved as they didn't know where or how to get colostomy bags. The hospital couldn't supply any to this patient, let alone the little children.
I feel so fortunate to have a stoma because I can relate to the sufferings these patients are going through and want to be there for them. Being in the same condition as them and yet I have the comfort of living a normal life because I use colostomy pouches and they don't. Thank you Salts Healthcare in England.
During the launch, the President of Rotary here came and donated some colostomy supplies which I later delivered to the hospital. It was so generous of them. Thank you Rotary. Your timing couldn't be more perfect. They had just received my letter to them as they were opening some colostomy supplies sent from donor agencies in Australia. My letter to them was to seek assistance for shipment of supplies from other wantok ostomates from America and England who were willing to donate to us. As of current, none of the companies I wrote to have responded.
Though PNG Stoma Association is in its infancy, we have already created awareness because it has been recognized by one patient and his family. We have a long way to go but our objective is to create awareness for those suffering silently and the unfortunate to have access to colostomy supplies in order to live a normal life.
I have had the privilege to come to MeetAnOstomate site and share my first story "Lone ostomate creates awareness in my country." There have been a lot of kind-hearted people who responded, some of them sacrificing their own pain and suffering to assist the worthy cause here. Thank you so much. Laikim yupela (love yous) with all my heart. I wish colostomy supplies were easily accessible here.
I was a lone ostomate here 3 years ago but now I am not alone and yet I am truly alone here trying to help the helpless.
Thank you MeetAnOstomate Forum. Couldn't have done it without you. I am blessed.
I would like to share a recent event. I launched the Papua New Guinea Stoma Association on the 8th of June 2013. My awareness campaign was launched with its own "LOGO".
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I had the privilege to have two doctors as guest speakers. One of the doctors was the pediatrician who does surgery and treats the children at the general hospital. He spoke of the difficulties faced by these children and their parents. Slide shows were used to show the real conditions of how the patients live in their communities. Almost all are children and the poor parents trying to make do with pieces of cloth to cover the stoma. One parent uses a diaper only when they can afford to buy.
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All the guests there were saddened and touched. Most of them had no knowledge of what a stoma was when they first came in. Some didn't even know that I lived with a stoma. Seeing the photos of the pieces of cloth covering the stoma with uncontrollable bowel movement was so heartbreaking.
Having no access to colostomy bags which are not readily available here and the discomfort that goes with it, makes one wonder how these little children can continue to live in discomfort.
It is my intention to help these helpless children, have some comfort to live a normal life.
There were journalists at the launch who clearly didn't know what a stoma or a colostomy was. They surely did learn a lot from the launch. The TV crew did an interview with me and later aired it in their news.
The next day I was sent an email. It read, "Urgently need colostomy bags. My brother was shot and the bullet penetrated his large intestine." I answered his call and donated two boxes of my own supplies to him. The patient and the relatives were so relieved as they didn't know where or how to get colostomy bags. The hospital couldn't supply any to this patient, let alone the little children.
I feel so fortunate to have a stoma because I can relate to the sufferings these patients are going through and want to be there for them. Being in the same condition as them and yet I have the comfort of living a normal life because I use colostomy pouches and they don't. Thank you Salts Healthcare in England.
During the launch, the President of Rotary here came and donated some colostomy supplies which I later delivered to the hospital. It was so generous of them. Thank you Rotary. Your timing couldn't be more perfect. They had just received my letter to them as they were opening some colostomy supplies sent from donor agencies in Australia. My letter to them was to seek assistance for shipment of supplies from other wantok ostomates from America and England who were willing to donate to us. As of current, none of the companies I wrote to have responded.
Though PNG Stoma Association is in its infancy, we have already created awareness because it has been recognized by one patient and his family. We have a long way to go but our objective is to create awareness for those suffering silently and the unfortunate to have access to colostomy supplies in order to live a normal life.
I have had the privilege to come to MeetAnOstomate site and share my first story "Lone ostomate creates awareness in my country." There have been a lot of kind-hearted people who responded, some of them sacrificing their own pain and suffering to assist the worthy cause here. Thank you so much. Laikim yupela (love yous) with all my heart. I wish colostomy supplies were easily accessible here.
I was a lone ostomate here 3 years ago but now I am not alone and yet I am truly alone here trying to help the helpless.
Thank you MeetAnOstomate Forum. Couldn't have done it without you. I am blessed.