Painful Bulge Near Stoma Post-Ileostomy: Hernia Concerns?

Oct 22, 2013 9:52 pm
Looking for some advice.  Had ileostomy surgery 11 days ago and now that I am home have noticed a bulge to the left of my stoma which is quite painful.  I should mention I had this bulge after surgery but the sharp, burning pain began two days ago.  This area is very tender to the touch and hurts considerably.  Every where else pain has diminished significantly.  Should I be concerned about the possibility of hernia?  What symptoms should I look out for?  Any advice is greatly appreciated.  I have been a wreck since this surgery and really want my recovery to go smoothly as the doctor said he plans to do a reversal, as long as I recover well, in 6 months.  Thanks.
Past Member
Oct 22, 2013 10:08 pm
the area around where my ileostomy used to be is all out of shape and the area around it hurt tremendously for weeks after the reversal.

I have been reversed for 8 weeks now and the shape of my stomach has changed radically the pain has gone.

So my advice is wait, relax and recover dont lift anything heavy.
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Oct 22, 2013 10:45 pm
Thanks for the input.  I foolishly lifted a couple items that were probably heavier than I was allowed to lift.  Yes, stupid me.  Hoping most of this pain is still "fresh out of surgery" related.  I've got home health coming on Thursday so I guess I will see what they have to say.  How has reversal surgery been for you?  Did you have to wait long for the reversal?  I'm really hoping the doctor's original estimate of 6 months for me holds true.
Past Member
Oct 23, 2013 12:45 am
I had a ostomy for ten months.

You will only get a hernia if there is a weakness in the muscle wall but I have been told you are no more at risk than anyone else. as they sow you up with really strong stuff.

I was only in hospital for six days when I was having the reversal.

its taken 8 weeks for the wound to fully close.

But my guts havent settled down yet