Welcome New Ostomates: It Gets Easier, Hang in There!

Nov 20, 2010 7:19 am
When I first got my ostomies (yes, I have 2), I went through leaks, broken skin, major depression, crying constantly, feeling my life was over and centered completely around my bags!

I want to encourage the new folks.  IT DOES GET EASIER!

I got my ostomies, after waking up from a bowel surgery that I needed due to complications from radiation.

I had them for 10 months and for me it was 10 months of pure hell! I got a reversal after ten months, only to have a bowel perforation and now I'm back to the 2 ostomies again. ( I have an iliostomy & a mucas fistula).

This time around I have had them for 17 months.

I am LIVING my life again and hardly even think about my bags anymore!

You will be able to also, I promise!!!

Nov 20, 2010 8:16 am
I am sympathetic for your
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Nov 21, 2010 8:27 am
Well Janice after a hellish start you seem to have things sorted now. I haven't had my surgery yet,  that will be on Tuesday, it's Sunday now.

But your post has given me faith that it will be okay in the end and I'll be able to carry on a normal lifestyle.

Good luck in the future
Nov 21, 2010 10:03 am
Good luck for Tuesday, had my colostomy 2 years, after the op 3 months off work then

back to it with no problems, I know I was lucky, but I think if you get in the right frame of

mind and believe its going to be ok, it will be for you. Better alive with a bag than not.
C Cogan
Nov 21, 2010 8:51 pm
Hello Janice: I had my colostomy fifteen months ago after a serious bloackage due to diaverticulitis ( stretched out flabby intestines) It was emergency surgery and I was in emotional shock afterwards. I did not want to talk about the ostomy very much and still do not. I have just bucked up and have done my best to tolerate the situation and go about my quiet life as a widow and head of a large family. The colostomy routine has become second nature at this point and I do not think I will risk a reversal unless the surgery is a medical necessity. My surgeon respects my judgement which is helpful, although if I get a hernia he would do a repair and reversal. I find that both my family and close friends prefer not to discuss my condition and that is just fine with me. best of luck to all of you, Cynthia

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