Stoma level with tummy after hernia repair - is this normal?

Nov 06, 2013 6:19 pm

I had a parastomal hernia repair on 10-30-13. I was released on 11-03-13. The wafer and pouch applied after surgery stayed in place until 11-04-13. Upon removing the surgical equipment, I noticed the stoma was flat with the skin and stool was oozing between the skin and wafer. long will that remain? Is that normal? What should I use on the skin during this time to alleviate excoriated skin? I will see my doctor and surgeons in the third week of November for my first post-op visit. I would appreciate any and all ideas and comments regarding the above dilemma!

Past Member
Nov 07, 2013 12:02 am

Hi skidder... talking about special stomas? My stoma is on its side... it doesn't stick out at all. My stoma measures 1 inch but because of the side discharge, I shape an Eakin ring a little longer to accommodate. I use a convex skin barrier and just stick it on. My skin doesn't get irritated and I have had no leaks...

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ron in mich
Nov 07, 2013 3:47 am

Hi Skidder, you didn't say what kind of wafer you use, but I would think one with convexity would help to push your stoma outward. But it probably would be a good idea to see a WOCN ostomy nurse. Good luck, Ron in Mich.

Nov 07, 2013 10:00 pm
Hi Skidder. Like you, my stoma went fairly flat after my nurse took my pin out from my stoma (she did it at 5 days which I felt was way too early). It continued to shrink and, like Kolan's, go sideways. I was switched to a convex wafer and am already seeing an improvement with my skin around the stoma. I use paste right now but am thinking of switching to a ring like Kolan suggests which leads me to ask Kolan - my stoma is also on its side and my home health nurse has been applying paste. Do you find the ring works better? Thanks.
Past Member
Nov 08, 2013 12:09 am
Hello tudibird, Eakin rings can be shaped, cut, and even doubled up. I have never used paste except for one time when my stoma nurse made a mistake adjusting the Eakin ring and had to fill in a hole. Within one day, I replaced the complete bag fearing a leak. I measure my stoma and then use the measurement guide to shape the ring. After that, I give it just a bit more adjustment so as not to block the stoma outlet. Then the convex skin barrier is adjusted to fit. I like to use the Hollister rings; they are super sticky and come off easily with remover.

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Nov 08, 2013 9:40 pm
Hi skidder.  I'm not sure you got the advice or answer you needed.  I hope you did but, just in case, I'll suggest a little of what I know.  Hopefully your skin is not badly damaged and you can just go about the cleaning, using the appropriate skin prep, a convex wafer and the pouch.  If you get stool on bare skin it will damage the skin.  Some folks disagree with this but I beg you, don't gamble.  Your skin needs to be clean and dry, protected with something like 3M Cavilon No Sting Barrier wipes or spray.  That needs to dry then you could apply the convex wafer.  If your skin is damaged now you need to use the "crusting" process.  I don't want to confuse you or take up more space.  If you need more help, please let us know.

Good luck,

Past Member
Nov 08, 2013 10:56 pm

I think that your choice of words "I'm not sure you got the advice or answer you needed" is offensive. We all try to answer the best we can using our personal experiences. Your message should have started with "I'll suggest a little of what I know".........

Nov 09, 2013 12:00 am
Sorry to have offended you or anyone else and thanks for your attempt to educate me, Kolan.  

Past Member
Nov 09, 2013 12:31 am

No hard feelings.... Maybe I should not have been so short-tempered.... We all have good and bad days...
