Hello Magoo
Haven't been here for a long time, but noticed a post notification in my inbox. Sorry that it's taken so long to reply.
I had surgery at the beginning of September to resolve the issues of adhesions and a parastomal hernia. Multiple cancellations of the surgery and overall, a very frustrating experience. I reached the end of my tether, but that's another story and not for this particular thread.
The adrenaline rush during eating is a strange experience isn't it?
I thought (like you) that it may also be related to the amount of food being consumed after long periods between eating, so I experimented by eating smaller amounts more often. In my case it didn't seem to make any difference at all, but I'm glad that you've had some success. It's difficult to give you any kind of feedback because I got to the stage where eating and drinking anything at all caused severe pain later on and as a result, I avoided eating and drank very little.
Yes, I know, a very silly thing to do and I did get admitted to hospital with dehydration a couple of times.
I wish I could explain my train of thought at that time, but I was not in a very good place (and constantly high on morphine didn't help).
I'm four stone lighter which in all honesty I needed, but the way in which it happened, I probably wouldn't recommend. Please forgive the 'dryness' of my humour. The whole experience has left me cynical and depressed.
Post surgery, I think I was expecting too much and am slightly alarmed that I still have all the issues with food that I had before (minus the excruciating 'kill me now' pain).
I've been referred back to the medical team and recently had an endoscopy which didn't throw up anything serious apart from a larger amount of bile and inflammation in the stomach and gut than they were expecting to see. Now just a question of waiting for various appointments and tests to happen.
PPIs prescribed and still on the morphine and ondansetron (although at a much reduced dosage)
Ho-hum, back to a low residue diet which is easier on the gut but so boring and not so good for output from the stoma. I find that I leak a lot when there is little fibre in the diet.
Others may have a different experience with low residue diets?
I'd be interested to hear about their experiences?
I used to love a poached egg on a slice of white toast but it becomes tedious when you're eating the same things over and over again.
I suppose it depends on how you view food?
Purely as a fuel, or an enjoyable and sociable 'experience'?
Many thanks for the tips. I'll try anything.
I had a panproctocolectomy in the late 70's and don't have a 'seventh planet' so I have no experience of J-Pouches, reversals, etc although I do get that phantom experience of still being intact, especially when I'm having gut problems. The rush of adrenaline seems to make it worse.
Whenever I've mentioned the 'phantom' feeling to various doctors over the years they've looked at me as if I'm insane.
Why not?
If you can lose a limb and still feel as if it's there, then why can't that be true of other parts of the body? (Just Googled it and it is a recognised feeling. Not amongst the doctors I've encountered)
The new stoma (it was resited and refashioned because of the hernia) barely protrudes above the skin after it settled down and I've had no end of leakage problems because of this. It's like learning to walk all over again.
Kind of miss my 'old friend' because over the previous thirty six years we'd gotten to know each other intimately and knew each other's little quirks. Until this one learns to behave itself I'll be anxious about leakage and whether it's going to behave itself when I'm out in public.
A new learning curve which isn't helping this battle with depression that I'm currently experiencing (and have been for over a year)
Thanks for taking the time to reply to my post Magoo and apologies to the other people who kindly responded and I seemingly ignored.
When I'm in a dark place, I retreat and try to shut out the world. The sofa has been my home (and bed) for close to two years now and I'm trying to force myself to get off it and do something (anything!) no matter how 'crap' I'm feeling.
Not the best strategy I'll admit, but the only way I can cope at the moment.
Many thanks